Bloody sheep and beef:P
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Bloody sheep and beef:P
Attachment 43119
Yeah mate.
Dirty dairying
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How can that be dirty dairying the girls are all going for a bath .
One more for the night on a lure that replicates the brown beetle or bomber:D
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Only small but still better than none and it swam free once the piercing was removed:)
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The taranaki lads left a mess last night but have bloody good taste in the beer of our war heroes:thumbsup:
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Did they get let out of the Naki with a right to return Dundee or were they unceremoniously exiled?
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Neat afternoon with the girl. Saw this one feeding under a willow on either emergers or duns (hard to tell).
Landed one small brown yesty and lost four gave the new reel a good work out.As the old reel has been worn out.
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Today one of the lads made an articulated streamer.
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I took it swimming with a bit of split shot to add a little bit more weight on the spinning rod.
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I had several chase it and one hit but nothing landed on it.
On the way back I changed to the black fury and landed this solid rainbow hen.
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Nice fish Dundee
Bloody good fillets
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I had to laugh while in Oz recently, caught some edible? fish in the Murray and the old boy reckons just leave it out for a day or two to 'set'...........oh yeah whatever mate i'll roll with it. First one got eaten by something overnight and only the head was left and the second one he gutted and cooked two days later. Tasted like arse.
Yum,yum more for the freezer
@EeeBees. Thanks for the access directions. Worked a charm.
Got blown away for the first time in a while. Not a big fish but strong and probably foul hooked.
Found some more decent sized fish that can wait for another day too. Wind was not in my favour at all. Nor was it for this Toebiter (Dobsonfly).
Got out last night for a night fish. Managed to hook eight browns in just over an hour yet I was only competent enough to actually get one in the net. Could have done with a net man, I wasn't on point that night. Plus it would have saved me a few flies too haha
Managed to land one yesty in the wind lost 5.
Tonight I trust my dog and cross the river if he gets wet nuts its over my gumboots.Attachment 43599
Only saw one and followed the dog back across as the light was fading followed the dog and the barstard took me in the deep end.
Wet boots in the morning no trout but Jakeys pool would be a fly fishers dream. Trout jumping out at flys at 2115 it looked like a bubble bath..probably not big fish but heaps in the river.
I went fishing a bit earlier tonight as the Ruahine Ranges were getting some rain.
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Told the Mrs I won't be gone for three hours left at 1800 and back after 2100hrs:ORLY:
Landed a brown trout
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Bolt checked the lures to use.:)
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This big deep hole is where I caught my trophy trout but it is a mission to land one in quick sand:wtfsmilie:
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I had hooked two and landed one keeper on the brown lure
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Fished my way back using a black fury witch is my favourite lure as it was the one that landed my personal best trout.
And I had action:D
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Landed the bugger:)
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3hours and two nice trout same water was coverered last night and zilch last night.
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Bloody good on ya Dundee. And yes, 1800 to 2100 is three hours if you put that up to have us check your math.
I wanted to get to the pool by the willow tree just under the Ruahine Ranges
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Started heading there still had a way to go when the bloody shearer pulled out of a job.
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Few texts later might have it sorted.
Headed back early to get hold of a sheep shearer.
Got some action on the way back.
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Nah i didn't get home early I was late again:D
Was a beauty anyway nice rainbow jack trout
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Caught on a black fury lure
What do you need a shearer for Dundee. You are a bloody dairy farmer.
Caught two 4 kg fish in one afternoon a couple of weeks ago ... finally got the images off my mate who has been off fishing all over the south island ever since.
North Canterbury high country on a Rapala and spin fishing into the holes that were un-fishable by the fly fishers.
I lost two big ones ( broken hooks ) in the Upper Grey the week before and also broke my rod on a 2kg brown.
So it was nice to land a couple of trophy size ones this time.
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Been at it again landed two rainbows.Attachment 44021
Fished a new area jeeze there is heaps of trout around.:)
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Got these two yesterday
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Been to the river with mr dundee and sean dundee this morning heaps of fish 7 bites and 6 chasers,try my luck again tonight down the river yay love it.
Certainly some good fishing to be had.
I nipped down to the local creek for a bit of R&R this arvo. Picked up a good condition rainbow hen after only a couple casts. Too small so let it go for another day.
Found a back water that had promise and hooked an old jack that was in poor condition so let him go too. He was well past his prime but would have been a good fish in his day.
Found another fish cruising a beat another 50m upstream. Great fight from a surpurbly conditioned hen. The MIL is in town and like smoked trout so this one came home.
Nice condition hen that one fulla.
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The young fella didn't want to tag along this arvo in the heat. I came prepared with the new fishing bag.:yaeh am not durnk:
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Bit of action
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Another nice rainbow hen landed.:)
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Mrs D on the way home
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Is that electronic scale calibrated the same as your range finder Dundee?
Top of the range Rushy:)
Got a mate downstream into fresh water fishing.He and his mate came out last night and grabbed some lures off me and went back to the river at his place.They were itching to give it a go but the warehouse was only shop open and the bought rods with 15lb nylon which is not ideal for trout fishing.The trout will see the line.
Anyway young fella asks me to go to H&F this morning and heres my mate spending up on freshwater fishing gear. Rod and reel withe line,lures,tackle box,polaroid glasses,and a fishing pack and a licence.......................$350.00
Dude at H&F owes me a deal or two now.;)
I went fishing for a couple of hours this arvo and seen heaps.
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Polaroids really do help as this next photo the trout were further away but a just blurrs on the picture.
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Tried all my fancy lures,rapalas,veltics and even used a few articulated streamers and few chases but nothing.
Put on the black/gold striped toby and landed a fat rainbow.Let it go.
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My mates coming out later and I'm going to take him to a few pools that hold trout hope its "tight lines" for him.
Later in the week @CANKIWI and his family are calling in to try there luck.
That rainbow looks more like a rugby ball than a fish
One minute Trout! Spent the afternoon with my wife, daughter, husband and three grand kids on the Great Lake, out of Whangmata Bay to the left into Whakaipo Bay, for a lazy afternoon swimming and enjoying a magic day, weather and lake perfect! Left about 4 pm and stopped for a quick bit of jig fishing half back into Whangamata Bay. Dropped in 3 Ginger Micks, 46 metres, hit the bottom and Whamo nice hen, chucked rod in boat, Grand kids suitably impressed, trout for breakfast! Doesn't get easier than that!:cool:Attachment 44072
Picked up this 9 pound brown yesterday evening.
Canterbury low country river.
Third fish over 8 pounds this month.
Its true !! Big fish do like big lures !!
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