Be all those rich people in there country estates upstream flushing, if that was dairy shed runoff you'd be in big trouble.
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Lake Rotorua stream to be closed to fishing for the coming season
Fish & Game are advising anglers of two changes to the fishing regulations for the Eastern Region which will take effect from October 1, 2016 – the start of the new fishing season.
The Awahou Stream, a tributary of Lake Rotorua, will be designated 'closed waters' in the Angler’s Notice – which means that trout fishing will be prohibited upstream of the Awahou’s junction with Lake Rotorua.
The change results from a submission to the Eastern Fish and Game Council from Ngati Rangiwewehi members who live alongside the stream and own the adjoining land and the private access road to the stream mouth.
Eastern Fish and Game Council had publicly notified the proposal and consulted with anglers prior to making the decision.
Eastern Fish & Game Manager Andy Garrick says the closure will bring a number of benefits.
“Firstly, we recognise the local community’s growing concern over social issues – including thefts, conflicts between individuals, and the presence of undesirable elements, including poachers.”
The closure would help address what locals have described as health and safety issues, and make the stream a safer place for children and family groups, Mr Garrick says.
“The stream is now targeted by poachers every summer and has become a “hot spot” for us, sparking frequent callouts for our ranging staff.
“The closure to angling will mean anyone seen fishing there can readily be identified as breaching the regulations.”
Mr Garrick says that naturally the trout would benefit as well.
“Closing this section of the Awahou Stream will provide a cold water refuge for trout stressed by Lake Rotorua’s rising water temperatures in summer, which drive fish in search of cooler water.”
“But it’s important that anglers note they will still be able to access and fish Lake Rotorua downstream of the landmark pole, where there are ample fishing opportunities through the summer months,” he adds.
The second change focuses on winter shoreline fishing on Lake Okataina. This area is to be extended by moving the western landmark pole further to the west (away from the lodge).
This will provide further room and opportunity for anglers during the winter period when the lake levels are low, Mr Garrick says.
The angling regulation-setting process is undertaken annually, and allows for the Eastern Fish and Game Council to hear submissions and recommend alterations to the fishing ‘rules and regs’ to the Minister of Conservation who makes the final call. A full review is carried out every second year.
“We try to consult as widely as possible on these changes and always encourage anglers to have their say.”
A video of how popular the Awahou has been can be found on the youtube link below:
Lake Rotorua stream to be closed to fishing for the coming season
Fish & Game are advising anglers of two changes to the fishing regulations for the Eastern Region which will take effect from October 1, 2016 – the start of the new fishing season.
The Awahou Stream, a tributary of Lake Rotorua, will be designated 'closed waters' in the Angler’s Notice – which means that trout fishing will be prohibited upstream of the Awahou’s junction with Lake Rotorua.
The change results from a submission to the Eastern Fish and Game Council from Ngati Rangiwewehi members who live alongside the stream and own the adjoining land and the private access road to the stream mouth.
Eastern Fish and Game Council had publicly notified the proposal and consulted with anglers prior to making the decision.
Eastern Fish & Game Manager Andy Garrick says the closure will bring a number of benefits.
“Firstly, we recognise the local community’s growing concern over social issues – including thefts, conflicts between individuals, and the presence of undesirable elements, including poachers.”
The closure would help address what locals have described as health and safety issues, and make the stream a safer place for children and family groups, Mr Garrick says.
“The stream is now targeted by poachers every summer and has become a “hot spot” for us, sparking frequent callouts for our ranging staff.
“The closure to angling will mean anyone seen fishing there can readily be identified as breaching the regulations.”
Mr Garrick says that naturally the trout would benefit as well.
“Closing this section of the Awahou Stream will provide a cold water refuge for trout stressed by Lake Rotorua’s rising water temperatures in summer, which drive fish in search of cooler water.”
“But it’s important that anglers note they will still be able to access and fish Lake Rotorua downstream of the landmark pole, where there are ample fishing opportunities through the summer months,” he adds.
The second change focuses on winter shoreline fishing on Lake Okataina. This area is to be extended by moving the western landmark pole further to the west (away from the lodge).
This will provide further room and opportunity for anglers during the winter period when the lake levels are low, Mr Garrick says.
The angling regulation-setting process is undertaken annually, and allows for the Eastern Fish and Game Council to hear submissions and recommend alterations to the fishing ‘rules and regs’ to the Minister of Conservation who makes the final call. A full review is carried out every second year.
“We try to consult as widely as possible on these changes and always encourage anglers to have their say.”
A video of how popular the Awahou has been can be found on the youtube link below:
Caught a few freshies on the tongariro yesterday morning.Attachment 53340Attachment 53341
Went to Twizel for work this week.
Finally got a chance to try out a few different techniques in the hydro canals.
Got out early before work and late afternoon after work.
Caught these 3 on the fist day.
Caught the 2 browns just on sunrise and the rainbow about 30 minutes after dark in the evening.
Attachment 53343
Very low flows in all the canals so no one was catching fish during the day.
I managed to fish in four different locations and tried some different techniques also.
Ended up with 5 decent fish.
Lost a few and had one nearly empty the spool before the hook straightened and it was off.
Then the snow started Wednesday morning and the crane job for the day was cancelled, fished for an hour and lost a good one then had to leave and get out of the high country as there was 50mm of snow and falling very fast.
After some advice lads, hope to head to lake Rotoroa in Nelson lakes National Park for a hunt shortly and thought I would splash out on a day lisence for trout also.
Would have to use my softbait rod I guess would be the only thing I have even remotely suitable so what should I be looking at for a casting lure?
Id say it would need a bit of weight to it to cast very far.
What about this sort of thing but obviously a lot lot smaller?
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And what sort of speed retreive? Trout are lazy buggers yes?
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That will work,trout take nearly any shit. I caught one once on a tale dag from a cow and just got my boy to add a hook.
Get 7gm to 10 gm for lake fishing.
alright cheers guys,will go to the fat pricks green shop on sat for a look.:oh noes:
I've never caught one with a Rapala lure @veitnamcam but that's just me.. maybe get some enticer lures for a lake can get upto 12gr lures or just get the tried and true mepp black fury size 3 is 7 gram
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I've caught a few on rapalas but for a lake you will need the deep divers but there are way cheaper lures out there.Go heavy with that set up.
Ended up getting these.
What sort of retrieve speed should I be going for?
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Run the Rapala in the shallows and watch it. You will get the speed from that. The Countdown models are quite cool. Cast it out and let it sink. Count the time (hence the name) before you begin your retrieve to get into the depth you think fish may be. Start low and then progressively deeper until you start getting follows or better still a hookup. They run well at slow speed and the longer the lures in the water the better your chances. The Toby needs a bit more speed in my experience.
How did you get on VC?
Managed an hour after work down at the river landed a small brown on black fury lure.Quickly released as wasn't big enough to feed three.:)
Attachment 54319
Add a black fury to your tackle box @bomber and I have caught heaps on them.
Nice @Dundee next quiet spell be down there
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Just got to careful on casting the black fury 😂
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Actually its hooked in backwards!.....trying to cast it like a fly?
Attachment 54525
Not a trout but just back from a few weeks salmon fishing in Vancouver island !! Good times
Good stuff Roy.