Yesty was grand hot and no wind.The whole family ready too hit the water but Possom trapper had borrowed the weed eater from his grandad so I ferried the boys up too the shed to return the tool.
PTs pack and rod on Mrs D's quad but we headed to the river after the drop off.
PT waited on my quad for his mumma and I get a text on my cell "quack,quack" yep thats my text tone.
Mrs D at home waiting for PT bloody communication:oh noes: any way said we at river waiting.
Any way she heads down towards river too meet up with us AND forgot her rod:omg::D:D
Turns back home and runs out of petrol:D:D
That pissed her off more:D
Sean Dundee and I scarperd ready for buisness but I left him in my tracks:)
Attachment 4728
Thats Sean near my rod tip and he crossed the river too:wtfsmilie:
We saw a few but no luck.
After lunch PT joined me cause I told em I spotted a Henaki (Eel net) in the river
And he yanked it out and is going to untangle and repair it.
Attachment 4729Attachment 4730
We also spotted a big brown right where the middle branch is but the photo does no justice as we were quite high up on the bank and I have no polaroid lense.
Attachment 4731
Neckshot joined me last evening and the rise and nearing full moon created quite a stirr on the water with trout rising everywhere but we both failed :XD:At least we weren't fishing blank water they were there but no takers.:ORLY:
Neckshot and I lost a lure each,my one caught the 3lber the day before:XD:Might go swimming soon:yaeh am not durnk::ORLY:
Tonight I saw some big browns and one big rainbow:ORLY:Yeah right no one believes you unless you catch em.;)
I had a couple off the big ones swim past my lure but no connection.
Landed a small rainbow released too get bigger:thumbsup:
Attachment 4732