That sounds a bit slack. Did he set an expectation of when you would hear from him?
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They said 2 or 3 weeks Rushy but yes its been a while.I sent another email this morning with a link to this thread.
My cuz came out this morning too go for a fish as he wants to put a few in a hungi
Possom trapper was the only one who landed one
Attachment 5543
So Cuz got two trout for the hungi now cause I gave him last night one as well,
Attachment 5544
I asked Cuz too get a pic of the trout when they done.
That is a lovely spot Dundee.
That river looks awesome
Bloody boomerang flies back,cuz dropped off one hungi trout that wasn't eaten:thumbsup:
Breaky tomorrow:yaeh am not durnk: Set clock and wake up
By now Dundee, you should be up relishing the thought of that trout. no breakfast for me, I have eaten too much in the last couple of days and there is another possum to clear out of the Timms
Out for a fish on the Tutaikuri last night. Water was warm and fish were feeding in the surface film on what I don't know. I fluked one later in the evening only to have a knot fail in a good jump. Fly fishing is bloody rusty at the moment (and video skills are worse).
Rushy trout is down. Kiwijames looks like the rise was happening pretty good,how much rain up there over night?
We had 25mm:D The river is dirty but im going for a look after dinner too try out some new gear
Wish we would get some rain
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Thought it would be a good rise but did not eventuate. Not many mayflies, all subsurface stuff. Have to learn how to fish an emerger.
Just recieved the pics of the hungi trout.
Attachment 5807Attachment 5808
Had another fishing session tonight.
And no surprise the 'Waihi Wonder' pulled the wee fighter in.
Attachment 5854
Put the poor wee fish in recovery position;)
Attachment 5855
It did recover:ORLY:
Attachment 5856
And swam free:ORLY:
Attachment 5857
Old dog wasn't impressed:D
Attachment 5858
Is that beer good?
Only the best
Attachment 5859Attachment 5860
I like the front, should have a stag on the bottom though.
Ok toby
Attachment 5861
But it tastes like shit:yaeh am not durnk:
Attachment 5862
Personally I think the label should be red with a lion on it.
Toby go and Google "THE BEER FOR NOCTURNAL MIGRATION - Tooheys Extra Dry". That should take you to a YouTube video advertisement. The deer that were used to make this advertisement were mine and a neighbours herds mixed together.
Yep that is the one. The hind in the apartment looking out the window and the hind eating at the White Lady burger cart etc is my hand reared nuisance "Zoe". The ad agency paid me more to rent her for ten days that I would have sold her for.
That would have been an adventure of its own getting that ad put together and getting the deer to do what they needed for it
Jeez after seeing all the beers I'm thirsty:yaeh am not durnk:Check out other threasd i8llk be dead nmeat tonmmorrow
fishwayter pics :D:D:yaeh am not durnk:
Yes but be careful not to believe everything you see on television though Ackley. For example the shot of Zoe in the apartment, in front of Smith and Caugheys in Queen street and eating at the White Lady, they are all real. The stags antlers however are all digitally enhanced as none of the stags had antlers at the time of shooting and the scenes of deer running through neighbourhoods are actually of deer running against a blacked out fence line just above home and the neighbourhood is digitally superimposed. the most fun part was watching wranglers who knew nothing about deer try to muster them. The trainer Mark Vetty was good though so the scenes of the hinds in the bathroom and dancing at the night club are real but shot in the neighbours deer shed which was modified to look like a night club.
Brilliant Rushy the Mrrs as gone for now that is a cool adgvcert:yaeh am not durnk:C i can still hit the dunk button:D
Catch any Trout today!
Short answer ............... No :(
But I did get to watch a tin arse first timer haul one in ;)
Guess we'll be fishing some more this summer. :)
over the last few days, i have caught about ten nice size rainbows. smoked them up, yumm. few about at the moment. lost a few as well.
I landed two today,the first was a 20km drive away and where I parked was a mates car we never saw each other as she went upstream and I went downstream. This was caught on the Waihi wonder,bit shakey after recieving the bash from Mrs Dundee after putting pics in the freshwater pics thread.:D
Attachment 5906
I fished about 8 km of water after work tonight lost a good brown and a reasonable rainbow but landed one.:D
Attachment 5907Attachment 5908
Got to see you can still get out and about Dundee. I was worried that Mrs D might have lopped you off at the knees.
Been a hard week on the water Rushy had a few hits but nothing landed till Mrs D took a trophy too the bank:yaeh am not durnk::ORLY:
Attachment 6337
That sure is a keeper. Hope you have room above your fire place or em
Poor little thing give it back to its mother Mrs D .
Still battling the warm conditions sighted 30 odd browns yesty epic fail but cooler temperatures tonight still a fail but I landed 2Attachment 6499Attachment 6500
I have been fishing the Tukituki river for over 35 years and today its at its lowest water level that I can ever remember, at this rate the rapids will flow under the shingle in a month. I work less than 200 yrds from this river and its not in very good condition. A ten year stint as a honorary fish n game ranger with Bill Spooner then Roly Bagshaw saw me covering its length many times and i appreciate the recreational opportunities it gives,im hoping it recovers quickly from this drought.