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Thread: Choose just 3 fly patterns

  1. #1
    Member Puffin's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Choose just 3 fly patterns

    Looking at the contents of my fly box recently reminded me I catch 95% of trout on various sizes of just three patterns. I fish predominantly Wellington region rivers with back-country watersheds, Hutt up to the Tukituki, occasionally the Otaki side.

    Pheasant Tail, size 18-14
    Hare&Copper, size 14-10
    Coch-y-bondhu(bonddu), size 14-10

    That's it, 2 nymphs, 1 dry. The Hare & Copper gets used when the visibility of the fly needs to be improved; faster or discoloured water, otherwise the PT is the go-to pattern, often size 18 for the smart fish that won't be taken in by a larger size. If taking off the top then a Coch-y, and if it doesn't raise them, then I'll try something else, but usually no interest in the Coch-y points to something else being wrong like drag/poor presentation/tippet too heavy for the conditions.

    If you were limited to just three patterns, what would they be?

    Tell us what water you fish please so we can understand the logic - and the reason for your success - behind the choices please.

  2. #2
    Gone but not forgotten Gapped axe's Avatar
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    Jun 2012
    Lake Tarawera
    Graigs Nighttime for my night fishing around the lakes
    Parsons for harling off my Paddle board
    Silicon smelt with the paddle tail for my salt water fly fishing
    Puffin likes this.
    "ars longa, vita brevis"

  3. #3
    Caretaker stug's Avatar
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    Rolleston, Canterbury
    Pheasant tail or hare and copper bead head nymph. Royal Woolf or Humpy dry fly. I 90% use a dry fly and nymph combo.
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  4. #4
    Member Puffin's Avatar
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    What sort of water Stug ?

  5. #5
    Caretaker stug's Avatar
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    Rolleston, Canterbury
    Quote Originally Posted by Puffin View Post
    What sort of water Stug ?
    Canterbury river fishing mainly.

  6. #6
    Lovin Facebook for hunters kiwijames's Avatar
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    Hawkes Bay
    Stu’s Hotrod HnC with tungsten bead.
    Glister nymph.
    Both nymphs usually fished in tandem 90% of the time. Bead head adds weight and is GTG on my rod 24/7.
    Cicada. That’s a no brainier. Mohaka madness.
    Done my dash lake fishing but maybe once I’m older and more broken I’ll be back there with my all time favourites a Killwell #1, Black Marabou with luminous body and Red Setters.
    The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And because we fail to notice that we fail to notice, there is little we can do to change; until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Ginger Mick, Ginger Mick, Ginger Mick on Taupo jigging. You need nothing else just one under the other and a 2 oz round ball!!
    Remember you’ll be fishing in stagnant water with Severe Algie bloom all around you!!
    Boom, cough,cough,cough

  8. #8
    Member Boaraxa's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    Nickel spinner works well for me

  9. #9
    #KnowsFuckAll Dorkus's Avatar
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    Jul 2015
    Great thread. I grew up fishing the Tongariro and only know a handful of flies by name - Pheasant Tail, Hare and Copper and Glo-Bug. I have done a little bit in the Kouraru (sp?) dam with a Wooly Bugga but that's about it.

    I am really keen to do a lot more in the Ruahines this season - I assume I should do ok on PT and H&C? How light should I be going on the tippet for water like the Makaroro or Ngaruroro?
    If anyone is keen to do a weekend hunting/fishing trip I am super keen to do a bit of that this season and I'd love to pick your brains and/or tag along.
    Dundee likes this.
    "I heard Jesus did cocaine on a night out. Eyes wide-open, dialated, but he's fine now. And if his father ever finds out, then he'd probably knock his lights out...
    Gets a little messy in heaven "
    - Venbee



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