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Thread: Eugenie Sage wants to Ban Whitebaiting

  1. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by GravelBen View Post
    Too true this one. The thing that is really pissing me off is the effect their constant ravings are having on our kids. They are getting really anxious about it all and very stressed about something they can't change. It hit home when my daughter asked me with genuine concern if the world only had 12 years left. It had been bothering her for a while and a lot of kids she knows are quite stressed about it. I reckon it's tantamount to child abuse. Naturally I reassured her and had quite an in depth conversation with her. She was reassured when I told her I have been hearing this since I was her age.

    Something to think about if you think something is bothering one of your kids. It's become quite a serious issue that hasn't been picked up on yet by teachers or most parents, it's something that is simmering and having a serious impact on our kids and it is slowly getting worse for them.

    I've just posted this article to the Greens Facebook page. I will sit back and watch the onslaught ha ha.
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  2. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by xtightg View Post
    Check out what the globalist socialists were proposing apparently pushing through without apparent proper consultation on their back country in Canada.

    Was not comrade globalist cindy not having talks with turdo recently.

    We might wake up one morning to find new rules for DOC land.

    Interesting what she said at the end how they don't want foreign funded environmental groups interfering with local issues. I notice that Greenpeace is really starting to stick their noses into our business in NZ.
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  3. #18
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    The Green loops want to turn NZ back to pre European times. All introduced species are despised and must be destroyed. Even farm animals such as cows aren't tolerated in their myopic mindset. What they fail to grasp is that they're an introduced species themselves.

  4. #19
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    Back to the Whitebait, how would it be if recreational baiters had to use a registered bucket (bought from doc who -else) for their catch and when the buckets full you've got your limit, say 2kg. On some Canterbury rivers, baiters camp for the whole season, fish every good day, sell the bait and obstruct anyone else from fishing
    kiwijames, ebf, Dama dama and 3 others like this.

  5. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moa Hunter View Post
    Back to the Whitebait, how would it be if recreational baiters had to use a registered bucket (bought from doc who -else) for their catch and when the buckets full you've got your limit, say 2kg. On some Canterbury rivers, baiters camp for the whole season, fish every good day, sell the bait and obstruct anyone else from fishing
    Good. No one in this thread except Boaraxa seems to acknowledged that maybe there is a problem with the 'baits and that the take might not be sustainable? I don't know - but maybe they are under threat - the research seems to be saying so? Maybe a way of life and the 'baits can be saved? If so, what are we prepared to do about it or accept? Beating up on Sage won't change a thing for whitebait. Won't change her either.

  6. #21
    R93 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moa Hunter View Post
    Back to the Whitebait, how would it be if recreational baiters had to use a registered bucket (bought from doc who -else) for their catch and when the buckets full you've got your limit, say 2kg. On some Canterbury rivers, baiters camp for the whole season, fish every good day, sell the bait and obstruct anyone else from fishing
    I don't think anyone is against some forms of improvement.
    I just get sick of being told the whitebait are in decline coz research suggests it is. Maybe elsewhere in Nz but some of the best seasons on record, have happened here on the coast in the last 10 years. Must be the same people doing the Thar counts

    I think commercial fishers should have a quota and rec fishers also have some restrictions.
    Every major industry the coast has thrived on has been slowly and slyly taken away by the government under the guise of conservation.
    I don't have any great ideas how to regulate whitebaiting but most of us here that enjoy it are open to something. We are sick to death of a government that has no idea of life here on the coast destroying everything that makes it tick.

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  7. #22
    Member Boaraxa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tahr View Post
    Good. No one in this thread except Boaraxa seems to acknowledged that maybe there is a problem with the 'baits and that the take might not be sustainable? I don't know - but maybe they are under threat - the research seems to be saying so? Maybe a way of life and the 'baits can be saved? If so, what are we prepared to do about it or accept? Beating up on Sage won't change a thing for whitebait. Won't change her either.
    I think most baiters would except a shorter season , creation of whitebait reserves , as mentioned above there's certainly assholes scattered around the country that take over river mouths mostly to make money so that should be looked at too , actually you could throw policing into that as well , often that is where the problem lie,s , someone gets up early gets the good spot an hour latter A hole turns up and say,s get off my spot regular occurrence in some places like the clutha .
    Tahr and Moa Hunter like this.
    The Green party putting the CON in conservation since 2017

  8. #23
    R93 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boaraxa View Post
    I think most baiters would except a shorter season , creation of whitebait reserves , as mentioned above there's certainly assholes scattered around the country that take over river mouths mostly to make money so that should be looked at too , actually you could throw policing into that as well , often that is where the problem lie,s , someone gets up early gets the good spot an hour latter A hole turns up and say,s get off my spot regular occurrence in some places like the clutha .
    Our season is already shorter here on the coast.
    A lot of bait makes it up river prior too and after the season.
    They just have to stop the bullshit customary licences they allow for after the season.
    It is total bullshit. If you dont catch your needs during the season stiff shit.

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  9. #24
    Member Boaraxa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by R93 View Post
    Our season is already shorter here on the coast.
    A lot of bait makes it up river prior too and after the season.
    They just have to stop the bullshit customary licences they allow for after the season.
    It is total bullshit. If you dont catch your needs during the season stiff shit.

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    Youv finally come out from underneath your bed ?

    Agreed I was more talking about the rest of the country , the coast is actually a pretty good example of taking steps to make sure the bait are more sustainable , some of the reserves over there are magic , this argument has been running for years I think what's tipped the scales is habitat destruction from farming , urban run off as opposed to what's caught down at the beech but everyone will need to do there part , if the money side of it was removed that would have quite an effect .
    Tahr and Moa Hunter like this.
    The Green party putting the CON in conservation since 2017

  10. #25
    R93 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boaraxa View Post
    Youv finally come out from underneath your bed ?

    Agreed I was more talking about the rest of the country , the coast is actually a pretty good example of taking steps to make sure the bait are more sustainable , some of the reserves over there are magic , this argument has been running for years I think what's tipped the scales is habitat destruction from farming , urban run off as opposed to what's caught down at the beech but everyone will need to do there part , if the money side of it was removed that would have quite an effect .
    Problem I can see with regulating everywhere else different to the coast is it would flood our areas with even more people from away.

    Like I said I dont have any great ideas but any regulation has to work for everywhere. Our season is iirc over a month shorter than everywhere else. Our weather and flooded rivers shorten it even more. A good thing. I seen a bit of bait in the river yesterday. I always see a fair bit after the season as well.
    Apart from a quota for the commercial people or established stands I dont see how we can regulate it any more here. I dont think our whitebait are in any danger.
    Taking the money value away from it may work but then you are screwing over heaps of people that have invested a heap of money in the first place with no way of recouping their investment.
    I see it being a complete mess if this current government has anything to do with it.

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  11. #26
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    White bait spawn in the long grass, carex and rushes in the estuarine areas of rivers. Some years ago a regulatory move was made to stop cattle grazing in these areas and that has had a positive effect to protect the spawn. The adults are the ones in trouble with pollution of slow moving drains and streams which are their habitat. A lot of this pollution is from towns, most towns being in the coastal belt. As an example every single stream and drain around Rangiora is now polluted with contaminated storm-water, thirty years ago only one stream was.

  12. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moa Hunter View Post
    White bait spawn in the long grass, carex and rushes in the estuarine areas of rivers. Some years ago a regulatory move was made to stop cattle grazing in these areas and that has had a positive effect to protect the spawn. The adults are the ones in trouble with pollution of slow moving drains and streams which are their habitat. A lot of this pollution is from towns, most towns being in the coastal belt. As an example every single stream and drain around Rangiora is now polluted with contaminated storm-water, thirty years ago only one stream was.
    oh i thought you wrote slow moving brains
    instantly i thought how to whitebait spawn in parliament

  13. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by R93 View Post
    Problem I can see with regulating everywhere else different to the coast is it would flood our areas with even more people from away.

    Like I said I dont have any great ideas but any regulation has to work for everywhere. Our season is iirc over a month shorter than everywhere else. Our weather and flooded rivers shorten it even more. A good thing. I seen a bit of bait in the river yesterday. I always see a fair bit after the season as well.
    Apart from a quota for the commercial people or established stands I dont see how we can regulate it any more here. I dont think our whitebait are in any danger.
    Taking the money value away from it may work but then you are screwing over heaps of people that have invested a heap of money in the first place with no way of recouping their investment.
    I see it being a complete mess if this current government has anything to do with it.

    Sent from my SM-T510 using Tapatalk
    As the habitat on the coast is close to pristine, the whitebait are safe. All that needs happen is to make sure that the habitat stays in good shape.
    The Coast acts as a spawning reserve for other areas too. A bad season on the Coast often is caused by ocean currents taking the juveniles north and can also often mean a good season on the Motueka River as they come in there. There have been some tremendous seasons in Canterbury in the last few years, seasons which common sense tells us are far beyond what the local breeding population and spawning capacity could produce - seasons where individuals have caught 80 kg in a day - these seasons have coincided with a strong continuous Southerly drift, which suggests that the bait probably hatched from Southland
    veitnamcam and R93 like this.

  14. #29
    R93 is offline
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    You would think/hope that southerly drift would bring some of that fiordland/south westland bait up the coast a bit further
    Some Canterbury salmon wouldnt go amiss either.

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  15. #30
    Member Sideshow's Avatar
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    Did anyone read the comments to the stuff article?
    I’ve never fished for white bait.
    But I do know this as soon as you open up a resource to be sold you open it up to be exploited!
    No trout sales in NZ have saved the trout fishery’s from this exact exploitation!
    The only time I have ever seen trout for sale in NZ was in Te Aroha at The Grand by an eel fisherman who had caught a few in his nets. Got asked to leave.
    Ban the sale and you help the fishery.
    Might be simple for a guy on the outside looking in?
    stingray, madmaori and Woody like this.
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