Got a call from the old man last night asking if I wanted to go fishing today, so I got up real early, went and picked up my brother, then headed up to the old mans place (it's about an hour and a quarter drive). Picked up some bait, chucked the boat on the back of the truck and headed up to Martins Bay (he lives a few mins away in Warkworth).
For the first hour we got a combined two bites. Then we shifted and it all kicked off. Our bait didn't get a chance to hit the bottom. We were pulling up snapper non stop (but they were basically all babies).
7 other boat loads of people came past, slowed down, saw we were pulling fish up, then stopped and anchored (one as close as about 40 meters away). Rude pricks. There's that much empty ocean around, why can't they bugger off to their own spot? I have no problem with sharing the ocean but shit man, give us some space for christs sake!
It was a beaut of a day. This is about the roughest it got
These were my keepers 30-35cm, nothing too amazing but it's a feed. I must have pulled up about 30-40 small snapper that were thrown back. The other guys were in the same boat. It was mental. We ran out of bait by lunch time.
I'm using a flasher rig with two hooks at the moment and I was pulling up what I knew was a small bastard... but then suddently he got a lot stronger. Turns out a second fish had jumped on on the way up. That's a first for me!
Up at Martins bay it's choice for fishing, but it gets real crowded and like I said there's a lot of rude pricks that have no problem setting up shop right next to you which winds me up.