At the bottom of my handy-spares box, I came across several fishing rod protectors/bags/sleeves or whatever it is called now. Its been almost a decade since I bought an aftermarket one as most of my rods come with their own. These aftermarket ones I have are approximately 56" in length and 8.5' in width, green in colour and with two strings at the end to close off. I would expect the bags to be used/suitable for a 3-piece, approximately 14ft 6' surf-rod or robust 1-piece (not bent-butt) game rod.
My question is - are these bags still called fishing rod cloth bags or is there a new fandangled name for it? And where can I get them in NZ i.e. the big ones, not the skinny fly-rod type. These aftermarket cloth bags are simple roll up into a ball when not in used. These are unlike the luxurious foam/cushion type ones that you get when you buy an expensive Jigging Master/Smith/Carpenter.
Many thanks for the heads-up!