Due to the time of the tide we launched off the beach at cable bay, there was a bit more swell than is ideal and we dropped the motor onto the hard getting off the trailer
Out into the darkness we dropped long lines and set up with a massive burly trail as the sky lightened and the rain continued.
Good current on the last of the outgoing we were optimistic and Joe set to thinning out the sharks so I could catch a snapper but alas I let the team down and got piss all then all of a sudden Joe caught this donky of a gurnard.
49cm and 2.5pound but the most impressive thing was it was thicker than a can of beer threw the shoulders!
Tide petered out and the wind came up so we picked up lines and released a few sharks and went to tuck up in the lee and catch some cod. On the way we came across a big pod of dolphins, they criused along side us at 15 knts and were jumping way out of the water right next to the boat...it was pretty bloody cool!
Legal cod were surprisingly easily caught to fill our limits of two each and the wind and rain stopped and it got quite pleasant for a bit you could almost see the sun.
We burlyed up again off a point that has produced well in the past for Terrys and Snapper for the incoming push.
Lots of snapper that while legal were a bit on the small side and being from shallow water we released all but one.
We tried shallow we tried deep so we tried in the middle and caught 3 sharks in as many minutes and bugged out as the wind came up again to hide in cable bay and use up the last of the burly.
Swell direction had changed a bit and got bigger and now it was a surf beach literally as two surfers were getting out when we came in.
Getting back on the trailer without either parking the boat in the ute or swamping the boat was gonna be a no go so Joe got out to drive around to Delaware and retrieve boat.
Bloody legend got out way deeper than I thought he was going to and got fully wet.
I drove around the island to Delaware where the bar was a bit interesting but at least the tide was running in.
Cheers Joe allways an adventure.