VC feel your pain ...folks asked me to crew with them today with da's service man mate ..all good ..out to snapper depth..dropped first burley...must have being a watery brew as it was gone in 30 mins ..second one in few carrots , Kawhai, cod , snakes.current running large snake round burley pot, round other lines etc etc ...but cunning stingray had prepared...clips on all lines and spare traces pretied in snaplock bags cut cut rig rig easy as ...
Now the shit hit the fan ..lost a couple of hooks so Da his mate decide to "sort this barstard out "...wire traces abound what the fuck do two wobbly old men want to tangle with a toothy powerful animal for ...because one encourages the other and stupidity results !
So sure enough a bite is felt and the battle begins ...not much of a fight ...well a reasonable size blue is soon on the surface being leed to the boat like a dog on a I was hauling burley pots and telling others to clear lines ...all to no availe...said blue sharks says bugger this put on a powerful run around the boat everyone is involved ...Da's yelling mostly at me for some reason ...a bit at Ma which isn't ever a good idea..Dave the invite is yelling advice at Da and heckling and scorning me for again for reasons I don't understand.
Me I'm arming myself with a blunt fucking knife and a pair of now we have three grey haired battlers locked in a stalemate with a pissed off shark ...and some how it's now my problem ...bloody fantastic!
Wrangled the blue to the boat , powerful bloody animal it semi subdued..and away ...Da and Dave congratulate each other ..being navy men with years of experience how well the managed the I cursed them both and threaten them with blunt bloody bait knife ..Ma saw the funny side of it all bless her.