So a plan was hatched to go try and get my Son and a workmate their first kings.
It might have been too early but if we didn't try we wouldn't know.
We arrived at okiwi bay to see a boat sitting high and dry in the mud we wouldn't be launching anytime soon so we drove up to the batch for a yarn.
Time and tide waits for no man and I wanted to be at the pass an hour after low tide my boat wasn't going to float until an hour after low tide and this would not do so I have to plan to disconnect the trailer and push it out to deeper water got about half way and the sand was too soft.
Well with a bit of help from a couple of spectators we managed to drag the boat out to deep enough water to get out we were the first one's gone.
I Mark some kings on the sounder but with two newbies on the jigging rods we didn't have any luck and a few snags and lost Lures.
The tide flooded and we went to try something else.
Some dolphin turned up to say gidday.
Longline deployed on the sand from 20-30m in current basin, sat off and burlyed up.
Cod cod and barracuda.....then ol' mate pulls a banana out of his lunch bag! And puts it in his pocket while he caught another Barry....he looked quite shocked when I snatched it and threw it overboard.
We pulled up the long line for more cod and headed up the coast to okuri for lunch.
Then we headed out to 40 m for a drift fish but it was too much drift. Then up to the carrot patch which had been taken over by sharks.
In shallow to avoid the sharks and burley up inside the Northern entrance lots of gurnard it was quite good fishing finally.
Cod are everywhere.... throwing back keepers out on the sand.
Was a long but good day.