Give a mates your net, they will fill it ….
Made a grand plan to prospect a new reach …but made an arse of myself by over committing ..dropped gear off to @ROKTOY’s place headed to hockey duty.
Got to hockey found out I’d got my weekends wrong, “ bloody idiot” …enjoyed the game being played and away home geared up headed to the happy hunting ground…guys had changed the plan for a spot Roktoy knew and hoped would be a successful introduction for @axeman.
I arrived half way through the drag, it was a great low tide , warm sun on our backs , dogs tearing about …yarns flowing…the drag was beached with plenty of life showing …bugger me 4 large flats in one pocket …ohh bugger 3 rays two side by side in the middle if the net and a beast lying in the top corner ..they were wonderfully calm, we lifted the first free easily the second had the cord net wrapped around its barb …with some ginger moments we freed that one and then over to the beast.. it to a bit of lift untwist then the net off it’s solid barb. Then two of us grabbed a wing each and put the beast back into the tide.
Keeping a eye on the beast we set our drag above it , dogs swimming being yelled at , our beautiful ladies yarning laughing and offering advice we sent @axeman over to the deep side ..drag your feet , go up , go down , go shallow , no deeper than that , the poor bugger had more advice than anyone needs, but as we found the gutter shallowing tails and splash’s appeared in the drag, a boil told a story of another ray so into shore it came ..tails appeared the gang went silent as large delicious flats were beached, a quick and easy release of old stinker, and we were gutting fish.
We binned the net headed back down to the honey hole ..another quick drag had a few more beautiful flats , a count up and a sort out we binned the net , cracked a beer. @axeman and Aaron selected a feed of cockles, the sun set, we ditched wetsuits for warm cloths, sat on Ute trays and shared out fish , young Aaron doing duty.
With the chill in the air we said our goodbyes, everyone with fish to share and plenty of homes to gift them into ..another slice of life with wonderful folks.
Shared knowledge saw another successful outing.