Nice Carrots VC, is there any typical ground / worm beds for then that you target or is just a case of drifting around and finding them?
is that arch out around the island? looks pretty impressive
Nice Carrots VC, is there any typical ground / worm beds for then that you target or is just a case of drifting around and finding them?
is that arch out around the island? looks pretty impressive
While the gurnard are pretty much everywhere inshore in winter they can be caught in numbers in as little as 3m .....which is good because the spiky dogs tend to be deeper out in the mud.
Doesnt mean you wont catch sharks in shallow but you will definitely catch less of them.
For gurnard in winter I target banks and change in bottom type in areas with current but far enough from reef to not be overwhelmed with undersized cod.
Basically its a juggling act from being too deep out on the mud and getting sharked out and too close to the reef and codded out.
People can and do drift fish the bays for will catch gurnard like this no doubt and I have done it a number of times but I believe this method is more suited to those restricted in range and load capacity like the multitudes of kayak fisherpersons in Nelson.
I have the ability and means to fish slightly further afeild so feel that I should/have a moral responsibility not to hammer the close in spots and by going further afeild I can target current and ankor and burly the fish in.
That particular arch is out on the reef structure that sticks out from hori bay.
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.