@hunter Al.7mm08 I have had plenty of fish-less sessions in there too..
I think its more this time of the year or even the shit weather /large swell last few weeks. Been a few reports of good fish the last couple of weeks, I have also gone to 2 bar-o hooks fishing a ledger rig rather than a running or pulley rig. Small baits and fresh if I can catch a mackerel or skippy or small kahawai. I have been having best luck on a bait runner set to just hold in the current, the bigger snapper seem to pick and run and with the small baits and 2-bar-o s are helping, funny thing is I am not catching many undersized snapper at the moment with this set up.
I tend to target Low tide incoming tides as spot i fish you walk out to the channel edge, but I think either change of tide change of light would produce.
Cheers FBD