The Art of Fish @Dundee
The Art of Fish @Dundee
Out with Dad and an old workmate this morning.
Rod fishing was a bit slow compared to the last evening I was out with Joe butbI got a nice 12ish pound snapper on the strayline and ol mate got some stonking gurnard...then a southern sail fish that got tangled in the burly pot and resulted in the end of my new rod being broken off!
Ah well.....
A feed off bacon Sammies later Dads strayline took off.
It had some serious drag on it(I had wound it up when I reset it) and it was peeling line and going straight for the burly pots
..Quick smart we got them and all the other lines in but this fish was fighting dirty under the boat,Dads old fiberglass powerpole bent double! I thought surely it would snap!.....the fish saw the anchor rope and went for it and busted off..
The braid was embedded in the lay of the anchor rope.
My money is on a bloody good king tho we never saw it.
It didn't fight like a Bronzie or Mako.
Picked up a few more fish then pulled up a longline for a few more good snapper .
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
Fishing tomorrow? I don’t think so☹️
Landed Blenheim airport at 5pm - the ever reliable Allen from executive shuttles picked us up and had us at Havelock marina pier c by 6.15 after a quick shop for food at renwick. Gassed up and we headed down the sound 6.45 into a rising northerly and an outgoing tide an bumpy combo. Not a bad trip low vis rain Windy app had the gale holding off til 9ish and was bang on as usual. Got into the bay before 8 opened up the bach first time since April to find i had got the mouse we saw in the bottle trap and no more leaking - we pulled up the roof over xmas new insulation screwed back down and coated the whole thing in this special sealer then paint. Moored the boat 9ish wind started to really blow pitch black had to get the spotlight out to find the bouy. Got her tied up then had to wait till wind dropped to get in dingy atleast i got a tail wind to shore. Anyhow blew all night and rained up to 80k according to windy. Forecast is pretty much the same till home day on Monday so fishing unlikely but we have lots of food wine beer etc a shite load of firewood and starlink for internet- despite the weather really happy to be here in our special place.
Well home today packing up the boat in the rain always fun. First time in collective memory of a weekend in the sounds with no fish caught - the sea is a light brown in colour and you can only see down a foot or so. So lure fishing a no go and I don’t bring stinky bait anymore.
Still we got a gap in the weather yesterday enough time to add 4 solar panels on the roof. But no sun to see how much they improve the system over all.
Ah well back in two months !
I woke up a little late this morning and needed something to do as the boy was on a course and the wife was heading out somewhere too.
The weather was almost dead calm and the forecast looked as good, so away we go.
I got out into the bay on the incoming tide and parked up at 10 metres, dropped anchor and burley, loaded some hooks and dropped lines. Quickly pulled a few undersized pannies and a small Kahawai before the Bait runner took off on me.
A nice 55cm Snapper onboard and time for a coffee and a biscuit.
It went quiet for 15minutes before we got any more movement. One more decent snapper and two more small Kahawai, ideal smoker size.
Five fish in the bin, a few small ones released. No sharks, no tangles, and I only had to retrieve my cap out of the drink once.
Back on land by 2pm and wings and fillets in the smoker by 4pm for an early dinner.
A nice peaceful few hours on the water.
Last edited by ROKTOY; 03-11-2024 at 10:13 PM.
Bloody excellent, for a bloke that would have struggled to tie a rig a couple of years ago , to owning a boat , and being very successful! Well done @ROKTOY!
Nil durum volenti !!
VC and myself snuck out in the drizzle but flat calm seas, November is moving season for the crays, the girls should have dropped their eggs and the lads should be shead.
We had promised each other the next outing was to be a prospecting trip, so we rolled the dice picked a bit of turf and ran over it with the sounder, picked a few rocks and bombed them, right on the edge of the reef I hit the sand but with epic vis I sawn for the closest bit of rock , flat and useless , looked around and saw a large grey rock in the gloom so headed for that , found large broken rock with crack caves and everything you’d want ….but not a cray to be seen , rolled over the rock followed a red moki around found a big conger and finally a cray.
One became two , two became a nest , nothing huge so spent some time picking the biggest which meant I missed a few, but what an epic dive!
Driffted off this spot over some more rubbish turf, then holy crap another boulder pile! Spent a bit of time searching only a couple of takers that I could reach , plenty of smalls and one good cray I couldn’t get at.
Bit more swimming , plenty of rock some flat and barren the odd patch of boulders , surfaced to see VC handy , how good is an excellent boatman / skipper that looks after you. In the boat did a measure one returned the rest were keepers , the perfect evening out!
Nil durum volenti !!
I needed that wee trip out away from work and home with a good barstard.
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
Geez you guys have a tough life down there. I don't know how you put up with it really![]()
Life …it’s ebbs and flows …
But when you hit the run by fuck it’s epic ….
Today was our day ….many photos you’ve seen we’ve being measuring our crays and battling egged ladies …vis and prospecting new spots
Today we hit “dive” rock it’s being our go to for 3 years until it stopped producing…so we where forced / keen / hungry for more turf the last few years we have dived great turf , great shit turf , just turf and lots of of it and occasionally some epic turf …those moments in life when you feel like you’ve won the lottery.
But today we headed home to old faithful, I geared up and dropped down the anchor , I got to the rock to see feelers from the outside …shorts I thought …dropped over the rock to see big fatties everywhere!! Shorts in every nook and crack, but big bombers holding back the true ground with escape holes everywhere,
Went back to the surface VC suited up and we hunted the reef for a feed of nice (not huge crays) , epic vis , saw a small brim , a large school serious travelly, 3 large blue cod waiting for me to bash a leg off a cray. ..
Epic afternoon , epic vis , one right out of the bag
Vc got a couple as did I
Nil durum volenti !!
Sorry for the attached photo …it’s late and I’ve had a beer
Nil durum volenti !!
It was an awesome evening![]()
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.