The birthday bash ....yawn ....out of bed after a old man nap!
Up at VC a clock to day light ..does the sun even set anymore? Launched the boat and the hook line as the sun crested the hills ...
Epic day of fishing, VC again showed his strengths sharking hard out from spikies and chinamen to a great greyboy of 6 ft ...thought I had him on the ropes with an early if not somewhat deformed snapper only to be slaughtered once he got his second wind!
A few tasty carrots, barstard red cod and one particularly really barstard barracouta to end the day in a line tangle of CUT IT preportions ...cray bait you are you bloody filthy barstard!
Photos to follow when the head clears and the sunburn eases! A very happy getting older day to you VC! You are simply a good as barstard thank you again for every adventure we have shared.