Howd you get on today @kukuwai ?
Howd you get on today @kukuwai ?
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
Sounds very similar to you. We left in the dark, fished 1st spot (28m) couldn't get a bite despite 4 flashers and 2 straylines out with heaps of burly.
Moved to 35m. SW wasn't awesome out there however the fishing improved but it started with grey boys and sea monsters.
Then a couple of nice snaps 12 and 9 pd. Heaps of cod we ended up with our limit on those + a couple of gurnard. Back in at 1pm.
I looked at tascam this arvo at about 3 and there was only 1knt out there so would have been flat this arvo. Reckon we might get wet in the morning tho.
Never saw a kahawai.
Well done to your young fella with his new pb. Plenty of adults would be happy with that fish.
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Its not what you get but what you give that makes a life !!
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
Yea i cant remember ever getting that many out there b4 but they make for a bloody tasty dinner.
We got heaps of undersize ones too but reckon only 1/2 them probably make it back to the bottom.
They have to get past all those undersize kingis !!!
Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
Its not what you get but what you give that makes a life !!