Took my dad out in my boat Sunday.....not enough water to get his out at applicable times..... as it was I was scraping my keel getting out for about 200m.
Had wanted to get out to big snapper spot but she was a bit lumpy and forcast to turn to shit after lunch so the ol man wasnt too keen in my little boat so we stayed in close and tried to poach @madjon spot but just got absoulty hammered by small was impossible to catch anything else.
3 burly bombs later got the shits and moved out a bit but not far ....another big burly bomb for a couple of mackerel and small Kahawai had got the shits and was winding stuff up to head in close for pannies when finally I caught a half decent another burly was deployed and more time and bait wasted...headed in tight to a old spot on peppin and got onto the pannies and a few gurnard and some undersize cod with no burly but lots of pilly chunks being biffed over around the top of the tide.
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