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Thread: Fishing tomorrow!

  1. #1591
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by MightyBoosh View Post
    You are never going to get melt-in-the-mouth octopus, so if that's your thing, pass them up, but after crayfish, they are my favourite eating thing to come out the ocean. Greek method. Cut guts out. Freeze and defrost. If you have anger management issues, beat on rock 100 times, otherwise, dip in to boiling water a few times, then put back in to water to simmer for 1.5 hours. After that, you can do what you like with it. My favourite is marinaded in red wine overnight, then coat in lemon juice, olive oil and salt before putting on to a hot barbie, preferably charcoal. Cook until blackened in a few spots and it's good to go.
    Got one today and kept it.......its still wriggling in the fridge right now.
    Will google some recipys
    stingray, Pengy and MB like this.
    "Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.

    308Win One chambering to rule them all.

  2. #1592
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
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    At 35m with a longline deployed and 5 rods in the water and 7 kilo burly dispensing at 4am this morning.....fishing was slow....the horizon lightened slowly and other boats turned up too....there was quite a few boats all in my general area so apparently it was the place to be but nobody told the snapper.
    As light started to penetrate the depths the spiky dogs/greyboys and gurnards turned up....me getting a gurnard the moment the it hit the bottom almost every time and the father inlaw catching the sharks
    A couple of hours went by and a lot of gurnard were boated and as the last of the burly ran out one of the three straylines with whole pilchards took off! Then another! Farkin finally I thought!
    Action stations get FIL on the rod I get on the other....na mines dropped....start winding in all the other lines this is the big one! Blistering runs with 20-25p drag but after a couple of minutes it becomes obvious this is no snapper and has all the makings of a big bronzy or some big shark.
    FIL gives up and passes the rod over for me to winch the bugger up, Im not real good on sharks but think it was a blue around 7-8foot.

    Cut trace at the mouth and let him go....FIL was gutted he wanted to keep it.

    Pulled longline no baits no fish.
    Bugged out back to the coast dropped longline in 25m on a bank......fished threw the low, 3kilo salmon burly....I farkin hate slack water....went in for a cod caught 5 million kept one legal I hate cod fishing.....wind came up a bit and thought Id head closer to home.....pulled longline one gurnard one sand shark no other baits touched.
    In desperation went to my super secret panni snapper spot and on the way dropped longline in 16m......got a few pannies one decent one you could almost call a snapper, quite a few Terikihi, couple more 32.5cm cod. another 3 kilo salmon burly and a little service station pilchard one
    Then of all things an Octopus! A decent size normally I would just release it but after @MightyBoosh talking them up I kept it to try.
    A good run on the strayline again and once again for a start it put up such a good impersonation of a 20pound plus snapper I even got the net ready but then it turned into a big shark and after a bit of a stalemate broke my 50p fluorocarbon strayline.

    Harbormaster called in to see we had life jackets and two forms of communication which of course we did/were wearing and she said everyone she had seen fishing was slow to nothing.
    I thought it a little odd to see the harbormaster in Dellaware?.....its not exactly Nelson Harbor.....have seen coast guard and MAF in the past there.

    pulled hookline to no baits no fish.

    Did end up with a fridge full of Gurnard/Terrikhi/Panni snap but she was a slow day and hard on the burly.

    Dont think I have ever set a longline 3 times in 3 different areas and depths for one fish before!
    Last edited by veitnamcam; 29-12-2018 at 05:19 PM.
    gadgetman, R93, stingray and 3 others like this.
    "Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.

    308Win One chambering to rule them all.

  3. #1593
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
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    Shit photo but shark would have been 6-7foot.

    Sent from my SM-A320Y using Tapatalk
    gadgetman and stingray like this.
    "Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.

    308Win One chambering to rule them all.

  4. #1594
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Hawkes Bay
    A gemmie caught off White yesterday. Bugger all fight in them.

    We are both familiar with kingie weights and this thing was def in the 10kg region. We looked it up (after processing all the fish) and the biggest all-gear one is 9.8kg!

  5. #1595
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 6x47 View Post
    A gemmie caught off White yesterday. Bugger all fight in them.

    We are both familiar with kingie weights and this thing was def in the 10kg region. We looked it up (after processing all the fish) and the biggest all-gear one is 9.8kg!

    Gems are bloody good eating! up there with bluenose.
    "Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.

    308Win One chambering to rule them all.

  6. #1596
    Join Date
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    Hawkes Bay
    You're right. For the hell of it, I got the missus to cook bits of pup 'puka and some gemfish together tonight. Both equally superb.

    Once you get past the visual resemblance to "snakes", the flesh quality is excellent.
    veitnamcam and stingray like this.

  7. #1597
    Join Date
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    Marlborough - Pelorus Sound
    Did your spear the Kingi @Dorkus

  8. #1598
    #KnowsFuckAll Dorkus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarvo View Post
    Did your spear the Kingi @Dorkus
    Yep, through the top of the head just to the right of centre and out under the gill plate (why you can't see a hole)
    "I heard Jesus did cocaine on a night out. Eyes wide-open, dialated, but he's fine now. And if his father ever finds out, then he'd probably knock his lights out...
    Gets a little messy in heaven "
    - Venbee

  9. #1599
    Member gadgetman's Avatar
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    Managed to get out to the mouth of the Waimak to target kahawai with gadgette#3. Managed to hook one earlier this year, with stingray, but lost it a couple of metres from the boat. This time I managed to land my first of this species, and it was a beauty too. Reckon it would have been at least 500, 400, 300, ok, ok, nearly 150 long.
    Wildman, veitnamcam and stingray like this.
    There are only three types of people in this world. Those that can count, and those that can't!

  10. #1600
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    boated 2 brown trout this morning..mine was around the 2lb mark and nicely hooked in corner of mouth so it went back to grow bigger..Mrs got snagged majorly so I wound my line in and backed boat up....funny WTF is the stupid woman doing (I think silently to self) as her line cut across back off boat as Im backing up,moved further across and line follows,got past "snag" and hello its no plurry snag its a decent fish....managed to stop laughing enough to get it into net for the good lady...somewhere around 4lb....now filleted so boneless and sitting on rack in fridge coated in brown sugar n salt destined for smoker over next two nights.

    we had a good play on lake now we got 15hp donk on the 13'frypan it just flies along.learnt lessons put my fat arse further forward and she sits nicer in the choppy waves,going down wind the waves just dissapear. we got out by lunchtime as the hoons turned up...traffic along the Geraldine-Fairlie highway was heavy as heading south.
    veitnamcam, stingray and Beaker like this.

  11. #1601
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    Jan 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by stingray View Post
    The crazy thing is , there were two more bigger in the crack took the small one and one big bugger I could reach. Have seen easily over 100 crays the past three days...a good number undersize which is fantsitic for the area and some monsters that I'm not keen on pushing for ...the result of prospecting and having the pleasure of diving with my lad!

    Short story...kings at the pass nothing large took one at 80 cm to eat! Was full of small squid! We have hit most of our known holes so went hunting ...blew 4 tanks on turf that look the part but was empty or just rolled into shingle ...caught the odd cray here and there ...then yesterday hit a couple of spots that I will milk for years to come...one is a rock the size of a caravan split right across with viewing windows all over it ...you could see the crays big medium small but not a chance of reaching them 30 + crays I counted ...then at one side and one end were holes that held the outsiders which we fished ...we didn't slaughter them either taking just the three two from one end and one from the side.

    Went in search of the "prick" a hole/rock you either hit and get a couple off or miss and get nothing..missed got nothing ..up after 10 mins the boat man says he's marked a rock whilst following us looked good. Down on it to diver heaven huge huge blue Moki 20 lb + swimming mirrors , real kelp not just short seaweed , holes and cracks everywhere then the cave of aldin ...small crays , takers , and I would quietly say 4 - 5 crays from 6- who knows lb , the one I lucked on to went 10 and there were more than one a third bigger than him. A simply amazing dive with my son! Left us both, grinning and sharing a moment that I will hold dear for the rest of my days.
    Bloody hell, you have to be more than happy with that. I enjoy having a play in areas that you normally motor straight passed.

  12. #1602
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    Jan 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by screamO View Post
    Took the kids out yesterday, not much happening. Always been told big tides = small fish. MAF boys said it had been pretty slim pickings. Anyway I'm about to go and burn some more fossil fuels and see whats happening up the island.
    well made it up there, didnt leave till mid day. flat arse all the way and just played on the west side of the island, cod where a bit slow then tryed a new spot at 60m for some gurnad which produced bloody well untill the sharks turned up so then moved to a little tery spot which also produced, then heading home we thought we would try the gurnad spot again which ended up producing a nice snapper........I could have stayed for hours but the night was closing in so back to nelson we headed and as normal the bay had turned to shit.
    veitnamcam, stingray and kukuwai like this.

  13. #1603
    Member Pengy's Avatar
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    Up in da hills somewhere near Nelson
    Quote Originally Posted by veitnamcam View Post
    At 35m with a longline deployed and 5 rods in the water and 7 kilo burly dispensing at 4am this morning.....fishing was slow....the horizon lightened slowly and other boats turned up too....there was quite a few boats all in my general area so apparently it was the place to be but nobody told the snapper.
    As light started to penetrate the depths the spiky dogs/greyboys and gurnards turned up....me getting a gurnard the moment the it hit the bottom almost every time and the father inlaw catching the sharks
    A couple of hours went by and a lot of gurnard were boated and as the last of the burly ran out one of the three straylines with whole pilchards took off! Then another! Farkin finally I thought!
    Action stations get FIL on the rod I get on the other....na mines dropped....start winding in all the other lines this is the big one! Blistering runs with 20-25p drag but after a couple of minutes it becomes obvious this is no snapper and has all the makings of a big bronzy or some big shark.
    FIL gives up and passes the rod over for me to winch the bugger up, Im not real good on sharks but think it was a blue around 7-8foot.

    Cut trace at the mouth and let him go....FIL was gutted he wanted to keep it.

    Pulled longline no baits no fish.
    Bugged out back to the coast dropped longline in 25m on a bank......fished threw the low, 3kilo salmon burly....I farkin hate slack water....went in for a cod caught 5 million kept one legal I hate cod fishing.....wind came up a bit and thought Id head closer to home.....pulled longline one gurnard one sand shark no other baits touched.
    In desperation went to my super secret panni snapper spot and on the way dropped longline in 16m......got a few pannies one decent one you could almost call a snapper, quite a few Terikihi, couple more 32.5cm cod. another 3 kilo salmon burly and a little service station pilchard one
    Then of all things an Octopus! A decent size normally I would just release it but after @MightyBoosh talking them up I kept it to try.
    A good run on the strayline again and once again for a start it put up such a good impersonation of a 20pound plus snapper I even got the net ready but then it turned into a big shark and after a bit of a stalemate broke my 50p fluorocarbon strayline.

    Harbormaster called in to see we had life jackets and two forms of communication which of course we did/were wearing and she said everyone she had seen fishing was slow to nothing.
    I thought it a little odd to see the harbormaster in Dellaware?.....its not exactly Nelson Harbor.....have seen coast guard and MAF in the past there.

    pulled hookline to no baits no fish.

    Did end up with a fridge full of Gurnard/Terrikhi/Panni snap but she was a slow day and hard on the burly.

    Dont think I have ever set a longline 3 times in 3 different areas and depths for one fish before!
    Thought I saw you as I was heading out to work at silly oclock
    veitnamcam, stingray and mikee like this.

  14. #1604
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
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    Well I spent all my xmas and new year fishing and drinking money on a rifle but today was too good not to do something fishy so I took the boy for a snorkle on the edge of the reserve.
    Just for safteys sake I took a weight off of my belt and cos sometimes the boy needs to crawl up on top of me like some kind of parasite when he sucks in some water.
    Vis pretty bloody good and piss all swell it was perfect for muppets like us.
    covered some interesting ground and seen.
    Quite a few Kina
    Heaps of spottys.
    One blue cod.
    Quite a few undersize Paua which is encouraging for the future.
    Bits of boat wreckage.
    One big moki shaped fish with virticle stripes on it? do moki have stripes in the water? it was quite tame and I managed to dive down and poke it with my hand.
    Good to test out the new wetsuit....certainly is warm I was bloody cooking and was streatching out the hood and sleaves while swimming along to let water in to cool off....probably shoulda just worn the bib overalls bit.
    Im not much of a diver but after a few dives I got my ears sorted and managed a couple of dives to maybe 5m? but with zero bottom time and shot back up like a cork with less weight and a more buoyant suit!
    Heading back there was a bit of current around the point of a rock and I had to give the boy a bit of a tow to get him round then once safe we saw the name on a piece of hull clearly sitting on the bottom "Money Pit" and I thought to myself yea that sounds about right.
    While I was cooking inside my suit the wee fella was starting to shiver when we got out so he was all good once changed but by the time I got changed and carried the dive bag all the way back to the wagon in the punishing sun I was sweating like a rapist and about to pass out so thought it prudent to call into the rookery on the way back and have a beer with @Pengy to rehydrate
    madjon_, gadgetman, mikee and 4 others like this.
    "Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.

    308Win One chambering to rule them all.

  15. #1605
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
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    Oh also swam threw a massive school of small 30-40cm kahawai and a thick tightly packed school of little fish about 3 inches long shaped similar to snapper but not snapper and coloured like spottys.
    Micky Duck likes this.
    "Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.

    308Win One chambering to rule them all.



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