At 35m with a longline deployed and 5 rods in the water and 7 kilo burly dispensing at 4am this was slow....the horizon lightened slowly and other boats turned up too....there was quite a few boats all in my general area so apparently it was the place to be but nobody told the snapper.
As light started to penetrate the depths the spiky dogs/greyboys and gurnards turned getting a gurnard the moment the it hit the bottom almost every time and the father inlaw catching the sharks

A couple of hours went by and a lot of gurnard were boated and as the last of the burly ran out one of the three straylines with whole pilchards took off! Then another! Farkin finally I thought!
Action stations get FIL on the rod I get on the mines dropped....start winding in all the other lines this is the big one! Blistering runs with 20-25p drag but after a couple of minutes it becomes obvious this is no snapper and has all the makings of a big bronzy or some big shark.
FIL gives up and passes the rod over for me to winch the bugger up, Im not real good on sharks but think it was a blue around 7-8foot.
Cut trace at the mouth and let him go....FIL was gutted he wanted to keep it

Pulled longline no baits no fish.
Bugged out back to the coast dropped longline in 25m on a bank......fished threw the low, 3kilo salmon burly....I farkin hate slack water....went in for a cod caught 5 million kept one legal I hate cod fishing.....wind came up a bit and thought Id head closer to home.....pulled longline one gurnard one sand shark no other baits touched.
In desperation went to my super secret panni snapper spot and on the way dropped longline in a few pannies one decent one you could almost call a snapper, quite a few Terikihi, couple more 32.5cm cod. another 3 kilo salmon burly and a little service station pilchard one

Then of all things an Octopus! A decent size normally I would just release it but after @
MightyBoosh talking them up I kept it to try.
A good run on the strayline again and once again for a start it put up such a good impersonation of a 20pound plus snapper I even got the net ready but then it turned into a big shark and after a bit of a stalemate broke my 50p fluorocarbon strayline.
Harbormaster called in to see we had life jackets and two forms of communication which of course we did/were wearing and she said everyone she had seen fishing was slow to nothing.
I thought it a little odd to see the harbormaster in Dellaware?.....its not exactly Nelson Harbor.....have seen coast guard and MAF in the past there.
pulled hookline to no baits no fish.
Did end up with a fridge full of Gurnard/Terrikhi/Panni snap but she was a slow day and hard on the burly.
Dont think I have ever set a longline 3 times in 3 different areas and depths for one fish before!