Well I spent all my xmas and new year fishing and drinking money on a rifle but today was too good not to do something fishy so I took the boy for a snorkle on the edge of the reserve.
Just for safteys sake I took a weight off of my belt and cos sometimes the boy needs to crawl up on top of me like some kind of parasite when he sucks in some water.
Vis pretty bloody good and piss all swell it was perfect for muppets like us.
covered some interesting ground and seen.
Quite a few Kina
Heaps of spottys.
One blue cod.
Quite a few undersize Paua which is encouraging for the future.
Bits of boat wreckage.
One big moki shaped fish with virticle stripes on it? do moki have stripes in the water? it was quite tame and I managed to dive down and poke it with my hand.
Good to test out the new wetsuit....certainly is warm I was bloody cooking and was streatching out the hood and sleaves while swimming along to let water in to cool off....probably shoulda just worn the bib overalls bit.
Im not much of a diver but after a few dives I got my ears sorted and managed a couple of dives to maybe 5m? but with zero bottom time and shot back up like a cork with less weight and a more buoyant suit!

Heading back there was a bit of current around the point of a rock and I had to give the boy a bit of a tow to get him round then once safe we saw the name on a piece of hull clearly sitting on the bottom "Money Pit" and I thought to myself yea that sounds about right.
While I was cooking inside my suit the wee fella was starting to shiver when we got out so he was all good once changed but by the time I got changed and carried the dive bag all the way back to the wagon in the punishing sun I was sweating like a rapist and about to pass out so thought it prudent to call into the rookery on the way back and have a beer with @
Pengy to rehydrate
