One of those know the one get up early a heap of burley and bait an through the dark to your spot and goes bloody epic !!!
Yip up and away over the hill with VC drizzle and fog ...wet arse day ...launch the boat only us and two other boats plus a work barge heading out! My first ever time boat fishing this bit of the coast! Flat as with a bit of sea fog headed out to spat farms ...VC had some intel so we headed for the depth recommended. Dropped the hook line (only one as VC is now a purist and only eats rod caught fish)....moved away and dropped our first burley ...I was still rigging up when VCs rod bent over and he got into a nice fish...
This was the start of a day of good fishing ..we were pecked to death by small kawahai and I suspect pannie snapper on our bottom lines ..but when we set out our straylines then went next level ...they started slow but with a bit of current and wind tide swell all running the same way things picked up ...VC with a whole pilile got a screamer ran and ran he put it reel into gear got three winds in and the barstard let go sucking the bait of the hooks. We got a few nice fish on the bottom rigs and on the stray lines , with VC boating a rat kingi and then the current picked up we set another burley soaking and the straylines soaking ..that's when it go crazy good ...baits in fish out ...until the point VC says mate we're running low on phillies so I ran out a squid head got a screamer and boated a nice fish ...then as VC does so very well he let a good run ease again before setting the hook ! His rod came up solid and the bend told the story ..good fish on ..then after a solid battle a great fish circled into view! You beauty! So as the tide burley and bait ran out a 5 ft blue shark came into the boat ..we chunked up some squid and pillies and got him in camera range...VC got a photo or two ...and that was it out of burley out of bait and a solid bin full of fish ...we gutted and iced them down!
So a morning of epic fishing we got back to the truck ..washed everything down then got into the tucker box that someone had left in the truck. Away home stopping along the way to share our catch with family and friends ..great yarns laughter and just going catching VC says .....I like fishing ...but I love catching !! Another day with a good barstard ..Thanks VC ...from all who shared in a feed of fish this evening! to follow ...shower beer bed!