Out of a wrapped present.
There's a brand on it Id rather not support but I guess you picked that.
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lol I think we all probably have one of those. I don't want to spoil ya present but they were pretty cheap :XD:
Oh and I can relate with the workmate and a bit of a mishap. I took a workmate out and hit the bar coming back in :O_O: It can put you on the wonk when you get out of your normal routine.
Well done on the catch though :)
Had a couple of days off work with my sister and BIL over to visit, we hit Matata beach and fished change of light and tides and ended up with bugger all, yesterday after fishing all morning down the beach we headed to Ohiwa harbour to escape the sun and sit under a Pohutukawa tree.
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Picked up a couple of pannies and a Kahawai which I turned into dinner of hot smoked Kahawai and BBQ baked Banana leaf wrapped fish.
One Asian style stuffed with ginger, mango spring onions, chives and chili, the other stuffed with lemon, wild fennel and onions. Bloody good and the BIL got stuck in and we finished the lot between 5 of us.
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On the water early today in dads boat with a couple of work mates. Bit nervous after VC's post yesterday but all went well in the dark fortunatly.
Tuna were the target, but took the time to drop two long lines @ 25m and 35m on the way out.
Lures in the water 40m off tonga as the sun rose and the full moon fell.
Unfortunately the Norwester picked up real quick out there and it got far too rough for us real quick so we about turned and headed back the way we had come.
Next minute a strike, we are on !!
Tricky business clearing the gear and fighting the fish while keeping the boat heading into the swell. We won....1 tuna in the bin !!
Bit of a discussion... lures back in or motor to the long line. Trolling won [emoji106]
10 more minutes trolling in the direction of land and another fish is on......landed !! We now have two.
Real tricky fight, copped a couple of waves breaking over the top so we are now bugging out !!
Back deeper into the bay (out off Adele) and things got ALOT better. Lures redeployed, found some more tuna (35m) but these guys wouldn't play ball !!
Tried all of Mark Cottons tricks (flutter jigs etc) but no joy !...Time to get the long lines.
First one (35m) 1 snap and I reckon 24 spiky dogs. Second 1 (25m) 1 gurnard, 1decent rig and 23 spiky FUKIN dogs [emoji23]
Did a bit more trolling for a rat king, a southern sailfish and a couple of kahawai [emoji106]
All in all a bloody good morning on the briny...
There is an old saying in this bay that "you don't catch anything under shearwaters"...
I can categorically bust that myth...
You CATCH tuna under shear waters !!
Especially if they are 'snorkiling' ie are sitting on the water with their heads under looking down !!
This is Gold, look closely at the pic....troll past them, circle them the hook ups will come !!
Tried and proven on many occassions, over many years [emoji41]
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@kukuwai - that's quite a mixed bag, well done!
Last night .gathered a gang ...normal get a few drop offs ...this time every bugger arrived ...yarns aplenty..got a few flats , had beer and a bloody blast
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Nice, I see you put the flounder plane up too :XD:
That gurnard looks pretty hard case in such shallow water
Yeah the flounder plane went hard out with some very aerobatic flying , was very impressive as he dusted the hills and faces across from us! Then with his final salute he rose from behind the hill , dusted the front side and blasted straight over head …probably saying “ratatatatatat “ to himself as he lined us up from a mile or two out …certainly was fishing with a show last night!
What is the small fish called?
Out for a Paua with @stingray today.
Drive over hill.
Nice and calm but viz poor.
Got our limit of Paua and had a look round.
I shot a butter and a moki.
I also stuffed up catching a cray.
Then off to grab a few feeds of greenlip mussels
All in all a good day.
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Looks like a minta [emoji106]
Well done [emoji41]
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