Had a great day out off Ohiwa Fishing from a boat today, decided I would fish a 20 gram micro slow jig first up while the rest of the boys on the boat fished bait. I had a ball and caught a heap of snapper with my best going 68cm, no photos as I wanted to get it back in the water after a great fight on the light jigging rod. Caught a Kingfish just under 70cm and a few rats taking the jig on a fast retrieve along with a few Kahawai. Non stop action on snapper in the 28-32 cm range went back and picked up a bonus gurnard and trevally. Hard to get the jig past the blue mackerel schools on a fast drop but when I did it was taken on the bottom or close too. Great fun.
The big 68cm Snapper was caught after catching a smaller snapper off the bottom, winding it up but dropping the small one about 10m off the bottom, I paused to say F*%K all and just got smashed by the big boy "Fish On!!!!", great fight, long runs had the 4000 reel screaming and a healthy bend in the 6-10kg rod.
Havent fished micro slow jigs before but I think I will be going forward. My last fish up here in BOP before heading down to Nelson for a few months, tempted to stay for the fishing now.... Keen to bring the rods and the jigs down south to see if I can get into a few winter Gurnard, cudda and spiky dogs....
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Attachment 224969