Nice catch, well done, how did the surface dwellers get on?
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Well when they wernt catching, brim two at a time or cleaning out the tucker box or annoying the local barracuda population they were just perfect.
To be honest they were fine young blokes doing dishes , helping out cleaning the boat etc...and eating all the tucker available
What photo ? Mates use bait ...and the young blokes slayed on the baits
What photo ...mates using bait ..stray lines slaughtering ...not sure what on about
Giant crawdad without pinchers. My kinda place!!! @stingray…the fastest man on the South Island in a 25cm sprint, those poor crays never stood a chance:thumbsup:
My god!!! Is that a lure I see????
Our little @stingray has finally grown up:D
Ah the "old salting the hooks" trick...
I had the resort to that yesterday as well, 3 off us ended up with 16 snapper between us, mostly between 32 and 36cm. A couple of Kahawai as well. Baits out fished the lures at least 3 to 1.
Fished out in 33m from ohiwa until the wind and chop drove us in and we headed up the harbour on way home to pick up one in 4m of water.
Surfcasting has been slow for me my normal possies just not producing.
Cheers FBD 248283
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Lesson: Read the message properly, you idjit.
Finished work at 1pm Saturday, grabbed the lad and some gear.
Arrived a few minutes late to the local flounder rehabilitation area. Odd, there's no one else here? I'm usually the straggler.
Hmm, open phone and re read message.
I'm not late, I'm early. 24 hours early.
Looked at the lad, and we both shrugged our shoulders. Oh well, we're here, and the tide isn't in too far...
We quickly wet the net in the incoming tide, grabbed two flatfish, and headed home and warmed them up in the smoker for an early dinner.
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Don’t say no!
Got a txt yesterday , something about a flounder bash, was having a beer with a couple of blokes from work, so just sent a yeah / na ?
Well the lawns were done and washing on the line, the Autumn sun was wandering across the sky , So I sat down for a beer and a relax…and the red Waka turned up at my place, out hoped the short fella…are you coming he asks?
I looked around and at her indoors , na mate I’ll give it a miss! It was just a lazy Sunday afternoon……
Well ok said the short fella ..if your sure , well we will see ya …
He pulled foward out of the drive way and gave me a sad look….ahhh fuck it let me grab some gear wetsuit bottoms, warm tops , and can I fit in the dog?
In we all jumped, and away to the tide!
VC and his dad met us at the channel, into wetsuits and yarns.
Into the tide the @Pengy’s new net! Well the sun shined and was warm on our backs , dragged the channel slowly and bites were felt, we beached the net to a beautiful harvest, we set free a few shorts and set to clearing the net, we set back into the tide and watched fish busting up down the channel, it was just one of those afternoons!
Birdlife , fish busting up , great folks and yarns and laughter damn near perfect! We binned a feed of fish each and wandered home before the sun dipped behind the hills. I enjoyed every second,
Guess you have to get out of your own way …when your offered an easy trip grab it with both hands and enjoy it!
A huge thanks to @Pengy and VC and senior VC what a wicked afternoon! Truely magic!