I dont know. We could of done better than 47 fish :P
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I dont know. We could of done better than 47 fish :P
tideking.com says fishing is good for Thursday so that'll be me
In case anyone is thinking "greedy bsatrds". There were 4 of us involved in the mission to evaluate the new net. So, 11.75 fish per person.
I know for a fact that 99% of those fish were gifted to friends/neighbours etc.
Good banter and bs ending in many people getting a nice fresh feed of fish. Who could ask for more
Mojo lacking at the moment for some reason. Working too hard at actual work I think. Wife persuaded me to go out tomorrow which is a first. Boat locked and loaded. No real plan. Catch a feed. A kingfish would be nice.
Work is fishing kryptonite....to be avoided if at all possible.
Unless the weather's shit...then work your arsenal off so you can Nick off when there's a good weather window.
Anyone have some tips for finding Crays up durville way? not looking for specific spots but each year i head up in march and try a couple of spots, after 5 years no crays found anywhere. ive started just taking freedive gear as ive got a few paua spots and that beats coming home empty handed.
So can anyone help with depths i should be looking? heavy structure? East or West? or out from bouldery hills/Beaches? I dive alone so i generally stay well away from areas with current, Is that Why im missing?
Thanks for any help.
Locate the sea
Get into the sea,
Put your head under the surface,
Look for rocks, kelp and cray feelers,
Zero in on feelers and determine whether there is a cray body attached to them,
Report findings to @stingray and appeal to him to come catch the buggers.
If your getting Pāua , then your on or close to cray turf, weed and cracks , silty dark corners. Weed is great but large boulder bottom is as well.
Look for Blue and Red Moki and don’t spear them , they’re your mates follow them they will lead you to crays!
Depth wise from 3 to 30 meters, they don’t seem to like the surge to much so a quiet weedy bays are my first jumping off spot.
That or head for Kaikoura, few crays around that area :thumbsup:
Dad wanted to go get some oysters so the Son and I went to give him a hand.
Things went well everything worked like it should and we got a few dozen each.
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Give it a go mate!
So with work being slow, and the wind being light ..I did a bit of a bludge and took a few days off “ for painting and chores etc” ..But I made the fatal error of telling VC that I had a day or two off, well after VC had done his chores he turned up at my place with the boat hooked up!
What’s a man to do, gear in the boat , boat into the tide , me into the gear and into the tide!
What’s a yarn without excitement, well we had being looking at this patch of turf for a while and the weather gods pretty much made us dive it with choppy and unpleasant conditions, making it hard for the boatman to monitor the diver it was the best choice ….down a large rock straight into the sand , not a great start , but the fish life was abundant, and a couple of large red Moki drifted past so I quietly followed them and they lead me to holes and cracks and the cave, nothing nothing nothing , then as I rolled over the side of a rock, feelers , and legs …you beauty…well no it was tucked up in a safe from me spot ..next hole empty along with one more then finally a catchable cray , which I rushed and completely fucked up!
We’re there is one there are normally others and I found the village idiot out on its own in a crack with no escape , bloody wonderful we’re on the board, sacked another couple , back to the boat to find the wind had dropped away and it was a truely stunning day.
Had a yarn and a beer with VC as we enjoy a spectacular Autumn’s day
Another spot marked for the future. VC your a bloody great mate and excellent skipper, thanks for the time you put in getting us on the crays!
Bloody epic mate! Cheers
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My and many others pleasure @stingray
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Heading south to Pelorus tomorrow- old boys weekend with two mates we worked together as graduates at good old Valuation NZ Wellington a government department- JHC we had some fun way back then 1986/7.
Weekends adenda:
Talking grumpy old guy shite
More shite talk
Hunting deer goats
Chardonnay (thats me i am an addict)
Sooo good to get away from the work stuff!!