First squid for the lad tonight
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First squid for the lad tonight
Went out to Kaiaua today, another day of F all. That's 6 times in a row.
Ah yes I remember coming back with a similar amount before :) I assume you are using burly and changing types of bait ( assuming your using bait). I've found when all else fails fresh mussel will catch what's around ( even if that's not what your after :) ) My "go to" baits are Bonito, Mullet, Pilchards, Kahawai and mussels ( buy fresh from the supermarkets)
Had three surf rods out running different rigs and different baits including softbaits but not mussel, thought about mussel, perhaps next time. Two guys up the beach from us had several 400m lines out with at least half dozen hooks on each deployed by drones, no luck for them as well.
Did use berley but only attracted sea lice
Where's the best beach, rock and wharf fishing in Whangarei?
My pick would be the south side of the harbour. Land based fishos always seem to do better on that side. Areas immediately around the refinery and port hold a good number of fish. Ruakaka if you want a more peaceful setting. Weather is going to be shit this weekend.
Mixed deep water bag from the Bay of Islands. Mate was using bait and I was using a jig.
What sort of depth? Sand or foul? I'm keen to target terakihi out from Whangaroa.
I'm off out to the Grouper hole in Akaroa in a few hours, should come home with plenty of fillets.
Got back to home Beijing China 20 days ago, experienced the 38-45 degree of heat with 80% humidity finally the fishing is on the way in Sep when I finish the next and the last visa application.
Stories, pictures and videos came in, shown the king fish is very active 800km out ( In China people call it artillery shell) , cods are getting fat and bigger now, so next month I will go with my wife to the sea and fishing for a month. Have brought new rods, lines, hooks and lures for heavy duty. And, the best medicine for my sea sickness. The last is the find a reliable boat and a skilled skipper to take us to rocks and the deep hole where I may not will go:D