That's a cracker fish VC. Hope the hole in the leg isn't too bad.
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That's a cracker fish VC. Hope the hole in the leg isn't too bad.
Attachment 261038
They have had a bit of a cut and poke and prod more cutting and prodding looks like I am coming back tomorrow.....I was gonna go fishing.
Looks bloody deep bro, want to get that out before it goes south
Shit VC wicked fish.[emoji106]
25.5 pd with the spike.
Hope they get it out soon [emoji1696]
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Well the injured , took the needy out for for a fish.
Tides were just not quite right for crayfish hunting at our local haunt , so VC took pity on me and we headed out for a snapper ( I love catching and eating spring snapper).
Met at the local ramp , geared up and we are away ! Out past the tide line the water colour changed and the sun was on our backs , out a wee bit more ..dropped the insurance policy , and went up tide of it for an early season fish .
Straylines in then bottom rigs , burley and then just leaning back relaxing …wicked !
VC thinks he has an inquiry …not getting hopeful …nothing….nothing …screeeeee ……….screeeee.. oh hell yessss ..rods bent and smiles a mile wide …line comes …line goes at an alarming rate …..screeeeee damn !!
up comes the leader up comes a beast …a big beautiful snap. Fan bloody tastic !
From there VC binned a few long fat as carrots ..more delicious fish..
The tide ran , we waited , the tide ran we burleyd ..the tide …bang Yip VCs rod doubled over “ like seriously bent in half “ the reel howled
And a big fish rose slowly to the surface …damn
Bed time for me but what we enjoyed was one of those fishing sessions..nothing less than another moment in life to treasure
4 good snaps a 3 gurnard on rods we decided to pull the pin in the middle of a hot bite as we had a longline down and darkness would soon be opon us.
Attachment 261274
Awesome Snapper. Didn't realise how big it was till I saw the Pic of you holding it up.
Definitely worth mounting. What sort of depth are you catching them? Over sand?
That's a great haul :)
That's not good news VC, I hope it doesn't get infected but there is a good chance I would say. I guess the fish got the last laugh aye.
Ouch... Hopefully it doesn't work it's way in, they can be nasty. Had one in my forearm, not that need though. Not something I am in a hurry to do again! Got hit with a fish from behind by a customer on the boat, wore the spine and damn near the other hooks on the rig. Managed to work it back out over a few days, but required antibiotics etc. Leg and that deep is a step up in ouch though.