Trim the red meat out and kahawai makes great shashimi
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Welcome to kill it and eat it @Joeschmo some of the best protein you can feed yourself and family!
We had a bash ourselves got out the front to find blue water and epic 13 meter vis, we drove around looking down on boulder beds and rocks, finally picked a spot and sunk down to the bottom , looked for a cray the swam round round up down over there then over round again, vis was amazing the best I ever seen in 35 years of diving, but it wasn’t fishy at all, went a couple of meters deeper and finally feelers , then keepers hitting the sack.
Sucked a tank dry and had a feed in the bag got back in the boat to see the free divers getting a pass by by a pod of dolphins, got everyone back on board and head off for a prospect on another bit of turf, vis remained epic VC was first in and hunted round a weedy rock and found a nice keeper lurking under a rock showed it to VC Jnr and sacked it, I swam and swam and swam fingers of reef ran off into the sand wonderful fish life a we brim , and goat fish ( male ?) in bright purple head with a yellow fleck , trevs bunched up under a rock , red moki dark red almost freshly painted,and a bloody great big ray that flowed me around like a lost dog.
Saw one small cray , nothing worth bothering, back in the boat , vc had murdered a beautiful blue cod but it was a pretty quite spot, the sun beat down so we cracked a cold one and headed in.
Happy anniversary VC and Mrs VC. Keep up the good work !
Best place I’ve ever been. Best people. Best fishing. Best fish. Goats that need to be shot. Too many deer. Little kids that can walk to school or the park or the dairy by themselves and return again.
Just don’t ask me about the housing situation and we’ll be just fine:yuush:
1st December and now counting down to xmas holidays in pelorus 25 days in our patch of paradise and fishing bliss
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Got a good feed in the Firth on Saturday. Moved a few times before we found fish.
Got outfished by the wife again.
Got called to arms, @ROKTOY needed a fish , Keith turned at my place the a welcome surprise so did VC , we headed out to the local haunt which to be honest has being thrashed much posting on the online media …so we arrived to have the place to our selves …
The seriously kitted out truck pulled up , out bounced a lady , and a couple of dogs , she set up a surf caster and took off towards her chosen spot . So we did the same into wetsuits , and down into the tide .. bites in the net got the blood pumping, short drags to avoid the old stinker , saw a few beautiful big flats in the bin,
Three drags had us a feed , binned the net gutted the catch , home washed/ fed the dogs , shared a beer and finally in bed!
Good night folks!
Making hay while the sun shines / going diving whist VC is in port!
Big week of work , hand stacks in hot containers saw me a bit worn down by Friday, VC txted wanna goes Friday afternoon?
Gave the boss sad eyes and mate I’ve done some hard yards …got a half day, biking home the wind picked up and I thought we were buggered!
But old cunning VC read the forecast picked me up after lunch and we set sale into the slop…
Then the cunning barstard dropped me on prospect rocks and I swam and swam and swam looked and looked for anything that resembled turf, on the sounder it looked great on the bottom it was rubbish.
Back in the boat off to prospect #2 once again very little hunting ground , but got buzzed by a school / dozen medium size kingi they drifted in really close which was pretty damn cool to be honest , and hung around as scratched about looking for cray turf but it was pretty bloody scarce.
Back in the boat to find the sea had eased significantly so the decision was made to head for a mark we had located hadn’t being back to for quite a while …dropped down the anchor with continued epic vis I hunted the first rock and straight onto a cray then three , then a dozen …how bloody good sacked a couple of keepers , then swam to the next rock ..tasty treats ..good keepers got a couple more , looked around and bugger me a real nest of crays a big bigger so a 3lbr got sacked, that stirred up the nest by the time I’d sorted the last bug , I returned to the hole there was a least 3 x 6 lbrs heading for safer holes 5/7 3-4 lbrs climbing through the smaller ones … heart on mouth and a smile so wide my mask was leaking …I cautioned myself “take the easy ones” …” bird in the hand” etc
So sacked one more nice cray , that was six and my limit ..lay on the bottom looking at some solid crays considering what could have being…but then take your blessings the smaller ones are sweeter. Got picked up to see VC smile knowing the team had cracked it again.
The crays certainly are on the march or moving through our area so we will enjoy the easy pickings ..sharing the bounty with family / friends / neighbours and work mates has certainly being appreciated.
Thanks VC another epic trip bring on next weekend…if we hit a weather window …the story could be Legendary…if we don’t then we will enjoy amazing company / food and drink beer.
Awesome afternoon.
And we are making some very happy people.
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Out today with a mate and dragged the Son away from his devices for a flounder in the local estuary.
Was very windy, flounder dog had fun...was very weedy...pain in the butt clearing the net of weed but got a bakers dozen of very good sized flounder and a couple of decent rig that were released.
I kept the small ones for tea.
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You Nelson guys are living the dream. How long are you home for VC?
I’m gonna try and get some kiwi buddies to try these…3 and 4oz heads. They only work in 2-4kt or 20-40kt wind:DAttachment 265033Attachment 265033