Looks more like a Mako to me - but I’m certainly not an expert.
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Looks more like a Mako to me - but I’m certainly not an expert.
We thought so initially but looking it from different angles from the photo we all felt it was a GW - viewed from above the girth of the thing was huge.
As I said, I’m no expert. Just have a passing interest as I’ve been spear fishing most of my life and have no desire to come face to face with either species.
Your dinner looks great. Hard to beat fish straight out of the sea for dinner, but difficult choice between that and a nice medium rare venison back steak.
Mmmm venison steaks ! Yum
Fish easier to get for me though
Deer can be easy too. Just have to find the right spot to hunt - a bit like fishing.
Attachment 266535
End of a other day in paradise- twin peaks called the devil’s stair case on the map but called the titties by our neighbours from the waiarapa !
They are a rough lot them from the rapa :D
Yesterday about 11.30 four of us plus the pack of two climbed up the grunt track (400m basically straight up with 3 fixed ropes along the way)Attachment 266785 Chetwoods the island middle distance.
Pack of two = Mary and Ginny sisters from different litters. Possum killers, weka enthusiasts and goat wranglers - they bailed up a billy goat
Labour weekend i didn’t have a gun or my phone) Attachment 266784 put them on leads in case we bumped into goats or weka. Did the loop back round via the Te Rawa track back to the bach around 2. Windy said dropping to sfa out the front, waited around for brad to comeback from his attempt to scale Devils Stair Case - he eventually got into coverage and said he was 90minutes away. Said it was other worldly up there lichen covered trees and giant snails.
Attachment 266786
Attachment 266787
So Neil and I shot out wide at 4pm for an evening fish - got out there 4.45 and flat as a pancake schools of kahawai that showed no interest in out lures. Fishing was slow and the snaps bar one were a no show. Headed back around 7.30 with 9 carrots a wee snapper and a JD caught on a soft bait ! All were in iced water in the bin so left them for the morning.Attachment 266788
Went up to the house and heres brad cooking a beef fillet - he’s a good bugger for an aussie
And the ladies had got creative and made eaton mess for desert !
Attachment 266789
Cold here tonight so I whipped up a fish stew.Attachment 266790
Bliss 😎
Doubtless Bay snapper. 1 drop with a slider, 20 seconds & this guy is on!
Attachment 266806
Attachment 266917 Dropped one then got this one! first Marlin for my boat and second for me as a angler :)
Caught at 100m mark off Port Waikato on Thursday. First one for me. Two caught for the day, the other tagged. Good feed of snapper as well so a very productive day.
Attachment 267149
Could be useful to some of you top of the south fellas.
The C-state app is quite cool. Can see live weather from the buoy.
Also has golden bay and bay of plenty buoy options but no weather info as yet. Can tap on any of the 4 things and get other stuff too.
That TASCAM buoy is handily placed.
Just off the western edge of the mussel farm.[emoji106]
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Out early but back early too [emoji106]
Nice run out into the bay this morning. Pretty dark, need a better torch [emoji41]
No trouble getting a feed.
Hand full of brim, couple of trevs and a gurnard. 20m just off the farm. No interest in either of the live baits tho
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