South Island marlin! My lad and his mates out off West haven, they saw and caught one, the companion boat saw three landed one!
Fish of a lifetime for these guys!
Attachment 268063
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South Island marlin! My lad and his mates out off West haven, they saw and caught one, the companion boat saw three landed one!
Fish of a lifetime for these guys!
Attachment 268063
Brilliant result for your boy and his mates, well done all involved :thumbsup:
Woop woop woop !!!
Mark that in history
Only the second one I know of [emoji106][emoji106]
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Heya.. any of you guys know of website with accurate sea surface temperatures.
Looking for the magic 22 plus degrees on west side.
FishTrack on smartphone is the only free option as far as I know. It's a few days out of date, but good enough for me. There's a few good paid options. Water above 18 C is good for tuna.
That's bloody awesome well done guys!!:cool::cool::cool:
They have been there a long time but the weather and access and coinciding with days of work and mates that are keen.....
Once again well done guys.
But may that bit of NZ coast remain the last frontier for as long as possible.
Best mate from work gave me the invite to come down for the Buller fishing comp.
Hit up @stingray no dice on a promise....Dad...other shit on....heck do I even bother going...I'm bloody recked need a couple of days sleep......
Up at 430 and pack/throw shit at the ute.
Get a pie and drink for breakfast at the Wakey Bakey and of down to Westport.
I like to drive and especially on empty roads at early hours but I was just bloody rooted so just short of Murch I pulled over to shut my eyes for 10min and see If I would sleep.
Nup fuck it off I went again.
Arrived at my hosts and loaded up the boat and off into the wild blue yonder.
Baited and dropped some cray pots, fished for blue cod got planned by big 2m greyboy sharks.
Got sick of loosing hooks and made a leader rig of 100p floors and live bait hooks and got more Gregory's and a pretty bloody decent blue cod.
Moved out wide to a pinical to try for Teatakihi and red cod and my host got a bloody massive Gurnard!
We weighed in the Cod and Gurnard cleaned up an off to the tournament....massive weekend for Wetport.
Up at 5 in the morning to go pull the pots....we got 12 or so keepers which was bloody great and went north to fish the sand/gravel for hopefully a big snapper.
Conditions were perfect...for sunburn!!! We were cooked from the day before and as the sun rose it was oily with a lazy swell and the sun rising directly astern.
It was punishing......I bloody hate suncream and I put it on my face and sunglasses (because it is impossible not to) 3 bloody times before 9am.
We also didn't bring any coffee or water so had to drink beer slightly earlier than optimum timing.
My host hugged the burly pot with a Ledger rig and slayed the Gurnard while I kept a strayline way out the back in the hope of a big snapper.
I landed lots of big kahawai and panni snaps...nothing big.
Weigh in was amazing.....I have never seen anything like it.
There might have been 50-60 people there and more prizes than anything I have seen in Nelson with hundreds of entries.
I won heavist blue cod and second Kahawai
My host won heaviest Gurnard and a boat owner spot prize.
What a wicked comp.
Out this morning to check the pots, limit of 18 for three of crays....literally fished for an hour and got 20 bloody good sized gurnard and threw back more.
What an awesome weekend!
I nearly didn't go I was that rooted but so glad I did.
Attachment 268187
Attachment 268188
Attachment 268189
Nice effort VC and great haul. Good to get some reward for your efforts although for me forgetting the coffee would be a major :XD:
Those are some bloody good looking Gurnard
Yeah I am definitely coffee fueled...I was yawning non stop for 2 days :D
I will have to get some braid on this Okuma gear and give it a go soon
Attachment 268205
First one for my boat. Also, first Yellowfin. Had a great day of the Auckland west coast.
Attachment 268226
Dad just txt me this screenshot..
Marlin both sides of the south island now !!!
And on a tuna lure too [emoji106]
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I see there has been a 60kg yellowfin landed from the rocks up East Cape too!
Kind of fishing. I flopped around in the surf and got a feed of Paua Yesterday. Attachment 268402
Thought that must be what you were doing [emoji3][emoji106]
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Boosted out of Marahau at 6am this morning with the two boys and Dad to see if we could find a tuna.
Dropped a longline at 35m on the way out. I wasn't that keen. Thought we would get back to heads or sharked traces. Dad reckoned he had no snapper in the freezer so he won !
Popped in 5 tuna lures at about 40m. Lovely conditions out there today. Unreal blue water !
Towed them about for 3hrs - saw nothing but penguins !!
Got back to the longline convinced that it would be stuffed due to length of time. Picked it up and bugger me no heads and only one trace with no hook.
12 fit & feisty snaps, 1 gurnard, 1 trevally and 1 rig. Filled the bin chocker !
Dad was stoked ! No substitute for experience ah [emoji3]
Just beat the tide back to the ramp. 80km and no hits but I will do it again as soon possible.
Love it [emoji106]
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