Kings should be easy for you guys. Find live bait (if it hasn't been banned), find current, add burley.
Nice snapper by the way.
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Kings should be easy for you guys. Find live bait (if it hasn't been banned), find current, add burley.
Nice snapper by the way.
Yeah true. Changing the water constantly is a pain. A big chilli bin is good and you can get battery powered aerators cheap as. Some livebaits are much tougher than others too. Kahawai and Jack mackerel are pretty hardy but Piper (Knigfish lollies) are very fragile. Still good dead if cast and retrieved though.
Had a surfcast with my girlfriend of delaware bay today, weather was mint! Had a good run on a prawn bait i suspect was a rig as a guy got a good one the night before there. Caught two legal snapper, 6 gurnard but five were a little small. One good kahawai and a couple of better runs that didnt hook up. Couldnt get a better day, flat calm whole time we were there
Fresh fish jammed into 110 mm drain pipes . Freeze down tonight . Perfect fit for the cray bait baskets .
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Sorry fellas, not a fishing post..
I'm gunna be away over the coast for the next wee bit (no phones or computers) so just wanted to say this before going.
I look forward to reading and always enjoy the posts you all put up (especially this thread) you are all good buggers !!
Keep it up !!
Have a good Christmas and MEGA tight lines in the new year !!
Cheers :beer::beer::beer:
Tight lines and full nets/pots for you too @kukuwai
merry xmas and a happy new year :)
Yeah boi!!! Kingi mish 4am in the morning:thumbsup:
Yep, I'm going out. Forecast not great for the ski, but think I can find some sheltered water. Report to follow.
Report as promised. Late start for me. At the ramp at 6am. Blame the vomiting 3 year old, poor little guy! As predicted, not exactly jetski friendly conditions, but doable, so stayed in close. It wasn't a bad decision as I got the bag limit in about an hour, nothing big, but a good Christmas feed. Back home by 0930.
And @Gibo how was it?
And @Gibo how was it?
went out to the hen and chicks islands out off the Whangarei habour for a fish today fishing was slow for this time of the year and only took home 8 snappers a 15,12,10 and 2x8 pounders the rest were 35cm snaps and put back about 5 or 6 smaller ones
still a good feed for me and my mate that came with me and his 2 kids.then we stopped in the habour on the way home and went snorkling for scallops and got our limit man are they fat:thumbsup: so i know what i am having for xmas breakfast
happy xmas everyone hope you have a good one
Redemption day!
Pengy took the risk and came fishing with me again , after our last tragic tale , I considered him a very braves man !!!
Away on sat arvo with the @Pengy got to okiwi it was flat arse calm, so hooked up the boat and shot out for an evening fish. Few gurnard and couple of codstill the snapper remain up the coast! In by 930 beer tucker bed! Up earlyish down the coast, dropped the hook line out deep and then steamed for an old haunt I hadn't visited for a year or three.
The weather eased as the tide turned and ran with the breeze, then the green machine being a great fishing buddy that he is started to summon the fish :thumbsup:Ralph he yelled, Hue he called, Boris he spluttered!
So we set to fishing with the cod savageing everything we dropped in the water! @Pengy showed good form dropping line weights to match the clear conditions, the couta appreciated his efforts and nipped of his hooks one at a time! I went with something more substantial but struggled to boat anything legal, with a run of small brim and frustratingly just undersized cod! Pengy brought out the big guns and dug deep into his tackle bag and brought out some sparkly worms all the way from his other home land and boated the cod of the day!
With our limit of two cod each secured, we moved down the coast to a cray rock! As luck would have it I managed to hit it bang on! Down the side left around a bit found the hole and some nice crays! Even better I managed to grab 3 out of the 4 I hit! Bloody supprised myself!
Up to the surface 15 mins bottom time in total! Pengy picked me up and we headed for the hook line pulled five fat carrots plus a couple of token spikies! Weather was kicking up again so Pengy headed us for home!
A great way to ease the Xmas craziness , cheers Pengy for taking the shit I gave you, and for being a champion boatman and keeping me safe!