We are just so bloody lucky with this country of ours, look at all the posts in this forum over the last couple of days.
It doesn't seem to matter where you live... everyone's having a blast !!
As for us we had a fantastic morning out in the bay, it is just primo out there at the moment.
The water is so blue and clear, can see the packs of kingi's easily under the boat.
At one stage we had a 4-5 Ft blue shark come up the chum trail right to the boat causing a lot of excitement with the kids.
As for the fishing we landed a few good sized blue cod and snapper and a couple of gurnard.
Attachment 82048
Attachment 82049
My bros daughter caught her biggest fish ever, a lot of hard work getting this to the boat for a 9 year old caught on a baited flasher rig. She wasn't at all concerned at having to release it as only 66cm still pretty happy.:thumbsup:
Had a troll on the way back in hoping to hit a find a bigger one but no luck.
Attachment 82046
Attachment 82047
Some for dinner, some for the smoker and some for the freezer. Everyone is happy:thumbsup: