Dad was keen to get out this morning having heard plenty of snapper storys of late and @
kukuwai had given me some good intelligence on the whereabouts of some closer fish so Dad picked me up on the way past.
Deployed a longline then moved off and burlyed was slow fishing for a start but at least we were not being inundated with shit fish.
Finally one of the straylines took off and a nice snapper was boated.
Dad and Uncle both caught and lost snapper on the flasher rigs (rod holder caught hook not set)
A few gurnard and a xxl kahawai and then another nice snap on the strayline.
A few snakes and sharks showed up and then we were out of burly.
Picked up longline for some nice snaps and obligatory sharks and lost one good snapper as it broke the shitty old trace[emoji849]
It should be fine it was only shallow and hooked corner mouth.
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