I'm on nights this weekend :oh noes: and the sea is flat :thumbsup: - some fish are going to have to die tomorrow.
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I'm on nights this weekend :oh noes: and the sea is flat :thumbsup: - some fish are going to have to die tomorrow.
Definitely need more ramps and more manners.
I was verbally threatened today for politely suggesting said fuckwit probably shouldnt drop his ankor right in the middle of my longline.....big tough guy routine....his mates must have been impressed threatening a guy taking two kids fishing[emoji16]
All the gear and no fuck8ng idea.
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You really want to see people lose there rag at a boat ramp?
Turn up with score cards:XD:
My brother and I used to do this when on holiday bloody funny :ORLY: We where just kids mucking about;)
Some really never saw the funny side even had one wanker threatened us. Another boat told him to fuck off and leave us alone.:thumbsup: he got a 10.
We waited till nobbys boat went round the corner then dog shit happened to turn up under his door handle:P
I wasn't there when he came back but the old man was:) he didn't know what we had been up to and described the scene as the guys mate held the boat and nob jokey ran up the road to collect car. Nasty boat ramp that if you got a side swell, which was just starting to kick up. No time to wipe shit off of a hand:sick: he was only driving a falcon so no worries ah, Dad said the air turned blue with this nob trying to reverse (-4 score) he got it on in the end.
Never saw him again wonder why?
Ps if it was one of you fallas who ended up this way hope your manners have improved along with your sense of humour and taste in cars!
But I don't think sooooo:P
Enjoy the fishing guys be polite to those around you and if all else fails score cards at the boat ramp!
Great day out of Raglan today. Binned up in a hour and a half on good snapper in 52 metres. Then managed a couple of nice kingis on the jigs.
Chur Bay.😎😎
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@kukuwai @mikee I swung past the Nelson ramp this morning around 10 am and there was no trailers on the road and at least 10 spare trailer parks inside!
Took dog down back beach....couldnt see a single boat in close on rabbit from this end vs Sat boats everywhere.
Talked to one guy at the washdown...he had got a feed at 15m but nothing on the rods.
It’s something when you get a bit angsty because you don’t catch a fish as soon as the lure hits the water! It took a few winds of the reel on the first cast this morning. 5 snapper on microjigs, 1 trolling bibbed lure. 3 kept. Nothing huge, just nice fat pannies. Another very short fishing trip. Went and picked the family up and barbecued a snapper on the beach.
Thought of Cam straight awayAttachment 99009
I have been wondering exactly what these were. Anyone whos been out fishing in Tasman bay lately will have seen them.
It seems they are called squat lobster [emoji106]
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Would have been a great evening tonight for a fish but alas Dad duty called.
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Bit of fun this morning
To be honest @Gibo when i first saw them I thought i better be careful or i might get in trouble for having undersize crayfish on my boat [emoji849]
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