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Stupidity knows no limits.
It's been an issue up here for a few years now and on our only decent trout fishery, Kai Iwi Lakes. Some amateurish research from a PhD student was taken to prove that trout reduce the number of galaxids. Fishing was going to be stopped (actually, I don't think they can do that), then the lakes weren't going to be restocked which is effectively the same thing, then it was back on with stocking, then we don't know again. I really wish we could get our shit together on indigenous vs. game fish/animals. As an aside, I have fished those lakes regularly for five years and not once I have seen anybody whitebaiting. So what is the issue?
They going to wipe out all the game animals and fish? Be nothing left to do very shortly
Buerocracy gone mad. For fuck sake just leave shit alone, you can't unbreak an egg and you certainly can't unbeat the bugger. We are known the world over for our wonderful trout fishing and hunting. They generate the pursuit of outdoors activities that we are so fond of and which defines us as a nation and let's not forget tourism which adds to our GDP so why are we so hell bent on fucking it up in a vain and glorious attemp to save flora and fauna that 99 percent of kiwis wouldn't even know exist?
First the cows and anti cockies, then the tahr, now the fish....what next. Good to see they've opened the door for another 500 immigrants(non-natives).
Wasting all this money doing it. How about putting it into medical research and try to find a cure for cancer,bolstering the education,nursing....budgets. Something that actually benefits the whole country
Our countries going to shit
To return NZ to its original pristine state we need to get rid of the worst pest of all - Humans. I suggest we start with the politicians. No need for culling, they could simply be humanely exported somewhere else. Besides, there is no chance of creating an export meat market for them, because once you empty all the crap out of them there's nothing left.
Want to save the whitebait?
Make it illegal to sell it on. Everyman and his dog now has a huge pool of potential online sales via FB etc. , so the days of a few roadside stalls or selling to the locals is well and truly gone.
Sage and her extremist mates are on a rampage. Does anyone wonder why the rest of our wonderful members of parliament aren't screaming blue murder??? Gutless useless bastards.
Where the bloody hell is the war on Pukekos and Plovers and Doves ?
Not right to restrict people too much. Maybe just stipulate each whitebait has to be gutted at an approved facility before sale to the public, just like any other fish.
There needs to be an urgent flea eradication program in parliament under the powers of the biosecurity act.
Bloody hell @Dundee thanks for posting that:( I can’t believe that there about to screw with all that revenue coming into the country let alone all the normal joe and joy (oh and Mr and Mrs Dundee kiwis) out of OUR HERITAGE that’s right! We brought the fecken things in here! You want to see what happens to rivers when you can buy fish just look at the Irish rivers around Galway.
Guess because the government can’t fix what’s broke they seem to want to destroy all that’s not!
Really feck off!
Yeah, culling would be too kind. Take the entire collection of coalition extremists and place them on one of the Auckland Islands ..... then they can really enjoy their pristine socialist eutopia.
When I say place them .... that's too easy .... drop them off about 1km offshore and let them swim so they find out how natural selection really works.
Forest & bird have been extremely active , one of my hobbies is gold dredging which is a permitted activity in some areas , anyway when councils have there long elaborate reviews every few years that's pages & pages long gold dredgers don't read that stuff & just like that F&B put a 2 lined sentence in there stating dredging & fossicking was permitted but not in the bed of river or streams ...and boom everyone's caught with there pants down & it could have been so easily fixed had someone in the no see it and contested point is this we as outdoors people generally don't a have a head for this political crap we just like to get on with what we do , so we need to be paying someone that is in the "no" looking out for this rubbish and nip it in the ass before it passes , like they say prevention is better than cure .
Yes. There’s a big problem here but guys (and girls) please actually do a little reading.
The draft bill looks totally rushed without a lot of consideration of anything other than a blind desire to “fix” the problem. There’s a fair bit in it that has the potential to be good. We are losing our native fresh water fish that’s the deal. Greens will be greens. You gave them the inch, now they’re trying for the mile.
The amendment does not directly target trout nor is it a mandate to eradicate trout. What it does do though is give overriding powers to DOC over Fish and Game. It also allows sports fish to be considered in Treaty of Waitangi claims.
Don’t jump to great big conclusions and then have a great big forum/social media moan or even worse, make a redundant submission.
Best option.
1. Go to Fish and Game website.
2. Find the report by Sir Geoffrey Palmer.
3. Read it (it’s not huge and it’s not hard reading).
4. Take onboard this considered legal opinion.
5. Make a submission and at the same time do your submission for Tahr.
Job done.
Thanks in advance from us fresh water guys.
trout they taste crap and you have to pay to catch em, they aint even native, fuck off kill em all and kill em fast
Yes. There’s a big problem here but guys (and girls) please actually do a little reading.
The draft bill looks totally rushed without a lot of consideration of anything other than a blind desire to “fix” the problem.
you nailed it in the first 2 sentences any more than that you are just waffling on and begs the question we need someone that's onto it & just says do this , you were wanging on in the tahr thread how most of us dont even no how to wright a e mail & makes us look stooped so Attachment 95502
, personally iv paid for people to write me official letters & reports & electric fish surveys & historic surveys & on it go,s in the past & haply do the same again , we are not all cut out for this stuff the sooner people realise this the better , it takes away a lot of head aches just parting with a few bucks & theirs nothing worse than taking the piss out of people on your side that simply don't no how to put words together.
Proves my point?
To be honest I dont think most of us are stupid. Its quite easy to confirm if you look hard enough that the vast majority are.
Don't be such a princess. If we were such a well organized bunch we wouldn't be in this mess for starters.
I'll get over your very clever picture before the end of breakfast.
My "wanging on" is born of frustration from the seamingly endless waste of energy that many offer up. So, just for you, I won't bother any further.
I'm used to just getting on with what needs to be done and I'll continue to make submissions where others don't/won't/can't.
Wonder what is next on the "lets get rid of them " list, bloody hell the government are a pack of brainless idiots .
Well, if all the Dairy farmers need to go out of business to save the waterways, then I guess this is only fair...…;)
Fish and Game: It's all about the environment, as long as it doesn't effect them
(Yes I am winding you up, but as a Dairy Farmer I have been putting up with this shit for years)
Surely tourism NZ must have a stance on this. Its not only about us kiwi's as fishermen/women but this sort of crap legislation will affect a lot of overseas fishing tourists.
Maybe the tourism operators haven't thought it through yet
Minority sport, wealthy sport, bloody sport, all of the above? This might be some of the reasons.
You need to find out what the average overseas tourist that comes to fish here spends compared to ones that don't fish.
NZ needs to wake up a bit, quality is better than quantity. Simple examples look at Bhutan v Mallorca.
All tourists must pay US$250 per person per day (US$200 a day from December to February and June to August), with a US$40/30 surcharge per person for those in a group of one/two.
Mallorca which infrastructure is falling apart because of the weight of tourism.
The Balearic tourist tax (sustainable tourism tax) doubles on 1 May. The rates apply to the six months of the main season, i.e. until the end of October.
The rates are chargeable per person per night. There is a 50% reduction after eight nights. Children aged 16 and under are exempt.
- One, two, three star hotels: Two euros.
- Three star superior and four star: Three euros.
- Four star superior and five star: Four euros.
The above rates also apply to licensed tourist apartment accommodation that is classified according to the key system as opposed to the star ratings.
- Holiday rental accommodation, e.g. villas: Two euros.
- Rural hotels, agrotourism, interior hotels: Two euros.
- Hostels, camping, pensions, refuges: One euro.
Ten per cent IVA (VAT) is added to the total amount.
Payment of the tax is normally requested on arrival, e.g. hotel check-in.
And good little old NZ ummmm no tax :wtfsmilie: ment to come in late 2018 at $35.00
Haven't seen it anywhere my self but a mate reckons game birds are in line as well.
Wonder if this agenda is coming from the greens? Get rid of all bloody sports would not surprise me in the least:(
pukekos are native as are paridise , grey ducks and spoonies......well all 4 were here to begin with although they are found elsewhere so they could pull pin on phesants ,quail and mallards.......again who is going to enforce the native stuff if not FISH AND GAME.....who will be redundant if you took away the introduced stuffs protected seasons etc.
Yep TVNZ take out DOC :XD: