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  • 1 Post By stingray
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  • 1 Post By stingray

Thread: Kailoura this Fri / Sat

  1. #1
    Member stingray's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Kaikoura this Fri / Sat

    Heading for the coast Friday morning and overnighting, will be freediving Friday and untill late sat afternoon if anyone will be up / down that way and wants to catch up for a swim either day or a beer friday night.

    Fingers crossed for some decent weather!! PM or reply here.
    Last edited by stingray; 28-01-2014 at 02:08 PM. Reason: spelling in title .. proof read you idiot.
    veitnamcam likes this.
    Nil durum volenti !!

  2. #2
    Member stingray's Avatar
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    Jul 2012
    Must be a long weekend eh (Nelson anniversary) .. sitting looking out the window and theres a blood red sky, and screaming southerly.

    Yip Stingers going fishing
    Nil durum volenti !!

  3. #3
    Member stingray's Avatar
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    Jul 2012
    Kaikoura was kind to us, weather settled and we got 14 hours in the water.

    Vis was limited and we could only dive south kiaks as north was murky. If anyone knows a George Hom????? down that way tell him his stuck pot at the the bird reserve is/was cleared. The contact number on the bouy didn't work? (normal size white bouy with what looked like a setnet float as the other. Pot was reqtangular bout 1m long 600 wide had one very dead cray in it.) I have dragged it as far clear of the rock as I could and cut the kelp around line to free it but the next blow will see it on the rocks or back in the kelp.

    edit to clear up any confusion. I dont dive pots. the pot in question was caught in a hole I was diving with it's bouy line wrapped in the kelp and underwater at mid tide.

    We covered alot of turf and between us shot some very good butters, one Moki, and caught up with some crays. The crays were thin on the ground.Whilst we had a very good result we worked very hard for them. The over all size was better though.

    I didn't get out to Sharks tooth Munsey would still be keen for a look though, will bring some tanks though, after the effort to get the one we sorted down the coast freediving it would be 100% easier.The company was great and our diving improved all weekend, shows what time on the job can do for you.

    The laugh of the trip was watching a tourist trying to photograph a dirty great bull seal, it went like this.

    1) walk over beach with camera.
    2) find seal asleep / sunning himself
    3) set up for shot
    4) seal will not sit up for said shot or respond to verbal commands so throw stones at seal. (I am dead serious)
    5) Run like F#*K as said seal reacts to being stoned. Them tourists / seals are suprisingly fast.
    6) give 3 divers in fits of laughter a mouthful (had no idea what she said) but her face said it all ...Priceless!!
    veitnamcam, Munsey and Toby like this.
    Nil durum volenti !!

  4. #4
    Gone But Not Forgotten Toby's Avatar
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    Wouldn't you like to know
    You need to tape that stuff so we can watch too

    How many crays/ paua did you get all up?

  5. #5
    Member stingray's Avatar
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    Jul 2012
    we got 14 crays, 7 butters , 4 paua ,8 kina and a moki. Not many of us enjoy paua so I took a feed for myself and the old boy who also loves his Kina.
    Munsey and Toby like this.
    Nil durum volenti !!

  6. #6
    GSP Mad Munsey's Avatar
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    Mar 2012
    I'm free from Thursday this week as we are all caught up with work so we all having 4 day week end . Would love a spear fish keep me in mind stingray ? . 14 hrs in water you a tiger for punishment . Bet your suit needed a soaking that a lot of wees haha
    veitnamcam likes this.
    Rule 7: Avoid alcohol and drugs when handling firearms

  7. #7
    Member stingray's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Hahaha don't know what your talking about. (wet suit wash is my best friend)

    Back out tonight chasing the kingi's.

    (Sorry thursday is a write off moving house). will stay in touch.
    Munsey likes this.
    Nil durum volenti !!



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