Interesting golf is already mentioned because just like golf, the harder you try the quicker your casting will turn to rubbish. Bit of bare leader end of the line and just go practice. Hold the rod light enough that you can feel the weight of the line pulling at and loading up the rod.
Then begin the opposite cast with steady acceleration of the rod tip.
Common beginners mistakes will be casting the rod on an arc from 9-3 oclock. Aim for 10-2. Also beginning the opposite cast before the rod has fully loaded up. And being a bit shy in getting some snap into the end of the cast or looping the arm too much rather than mostly wrist action and a bit of forearm.
The walking the rivers and looking for fish sure is relaxing. Casting to a big fish or in a tight spot or dealing with wind can be a bit less so
Great sport. Stick at it.
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