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Fly fishing is about as peaceful as golf. Pros make it look easy. Us mortals will spend countless hours unwinding lines, detangling birds nests and slapping the water till the fish laugh themselves to death. FYI, these are the fish most anglers take photos of, or bring home to eat. Death by derision.
Seriously though, Hastings Anglers Club is about as good as it gets. They have lots of classes etc to get you up and running. Look for them on Facebook. I can help you to get in touch otherwise.
Be aware, the rivers in HB have been given an absolute hiding after Gabrielle. The Tuki and upper Mohaka will fish ok but I'm certain that the Tutaekuri and other low lying rivers and streams will be years from returning to a decent fishery. The silt has smothered all life to near extinction so even if fish are released they will have a hard time until the aquatic invertebrates return.
The headwater fisheries are great fun but need to be cared for. Some like the Maropea need a special licence to fish as they are fragile if hammered too hard. Fortunately trout taste like shit so few people with with any taste keep them.
I suggest you buy yourself something either good secondhand or new entry level stuff like Echo, Reddington or Primal in 6 weight with a floating line. Get some nymphs and leader and give if a whirl. See Jake at Rivers to Ranges as he's a good rooster and will help you get started with gear. Most rods are 4-piece so you can pack them down small enough to tramp in with. Don't get 2-piece (I doubt they're even still a thing). If you see something on TM or the likes put it here and im happy to give you my 2c if it looks worth your while.
I'd offer to take you out but I'm so time poor at present I think I'm possibly no longer getting older, stuck in something like a NZ version of Groundhog Day.