They are works of art. :cool:
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They are works of art. :cool:
Cuz. How much. Seriously though, I need a couple for the box this summer me old mate.
Awesome work!
Just had to make myself a koheru
Attachment 178115
Looking good mate :thumbsup:
Gibo you should start a business making hand crafted lures. Clearly you have the talent and the passion.
@Gibo , never take advice of any sort from a man who thinks "Waikato" is a great beer.;)
Can you post a pic of this next to your first one? You've come a long way with this
Crack up! That first one got a kingi though so they have all worked
Attachment 178162
Koheru all done
Attachment 179188
Attachment 179189
Attachment 179190