Before epoxy? What for?
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nah I think he meaning AS top coat instead of expoxy.....I use it as head cement when tying flies,have done so for years.
If yr going to clear overcoat of epoxy yr fine.
if you buy wee bag of flouro powder off can mix it with that cheap looking nail polish and go hard out on all sorts of things......WARNING if you do your big toe nails it will glow all night so look really weird when you get up in wee small hours to empty bladder.......
The lures in the fishing shop are first and foremost designed to catch anglers, and then to catch fish.
Yawn. You guys are spoiling my fun
Thr real fun will dtsrt when a big kingi wraps it around a rock. You need to make at least two :)
@Gibo will be crying in his beer when Mr Kingi rocks him. Even worse if his mate backs the prop over it or Mr Razor gang chomps on the swivel bubbles :)
No; but whenvthat gunn lure goes to Davey Jones I can picture the grief, and then the solace
I will be sad, but now that I can make them I'l get over it ;)