Think I passed you heading up towards murchison on Wednesday. Gave you a raise of the finger but figured you wouldn't see it. Tidy little setup you've got seems pretty well setup.
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Think I passed you heading up towards murchison on Wednesday. Gave you a raise of the finger but figured you wouldn't see it. Tidy little setup you've got seems pretty well setup.
Ah I must have missed you. Yep it goes pretty well. Need a 15hp though
Popped off early from work and took the RIB out over the Hoki bar today. Went 10k out to the 40m+ contour just having a look really, dropped down a 100gm Lucanus for a drift but no luck, quite a fast drift. No worries getting over the bar today and it was like glass out on the ocean.
If anyone has any marks or suggestions for how to fish the area off Hokitika I'd be extremely grateful, without a big powerful sounder I'm pretty much fishing blind out there - if there even is any structure to speak of
Yeah - I know I'd have to go at least 20k out for bluenose etc. Keen on albies + kingfish though...
I sort of figure that with the snapper being caught off the beach they must be poking around out there somewhere, be nice to find a bit of structure that concentrates them - or any of the other smaller table fish, terakihi, cod etc.
Try anchoring up with a bit of berly
That's what we do up here off Raglan. There's not much structure usually just sand. Usually go to 50 metres put some berly on the anchor chain and wait. Always get a feed.
Two hook ledger rig with a 4 oz sinker.
I'll give it a go next flat day, was keen to avoid cut baits or berley due sharks, there are endless spiny dogs off Hoki if you give them a chance.
Plan A is hunt workups, cast/jig around them; troll lures for tuna; drift with slow/slider jigs close in to the river mouth or back of the surf line for snapper - should be some structure around the river mouth, sand banks.
Napier maybe
Definitely not Palmy @hillclima
Are snaps being caught off the beach at the moment?
I thought the coast snapper came on a bit later after spawn? Dads mate got reasonable numbers off the beach down bruces bay in the late roar last year with a kontiki.
Did you try closer in at all? I get good big gurnard right up in shallow in winter.
If you have no structure try looking for change of bottom type, even with a poor sounder you might be able to pick up changing bottom type in shallower waters.
Yep - mate from work caught 3 snapper about 3 weeks ago off the beach, 6-10lb. I didn't really try closer in today, saw what looked like a big workup way out and burned out to it - but just dolphins cruising around and birds following them. Back of the surf line is probably productive I imagine for gurnard etc.
E: the west coast snapper run seems to be better every year that I'm here
Thats cool, the SI snapper fishery is really starting to recover well.
If he is getting them off the beach in good size like that I would be anchoring and burlying them in in close.....or at least that is what I would try untill I caught too many spiky dogs then I would try something else:D
I'll have to run a few KY frames through the grinder for berley and give it a crack
Attachment 130993
Today's best catch from a 67km mission and 11hr on the water, in pretty average conditions. The giant squidwings jig I bought didn't arrive so I just fished a big 2 hook dropper with squid baits, was hoping for a Bluenose but just got shit, red cod and spiny dogs. Water filthy off the coast after the rain over the weekend.
I did see tuna jumping at one point and trolled for an hour with 2 lures out but no luck, any of you ever caught an albacore just casting lures around tuna action?
I have come back with less before Gimp :)
Although red cod are a bit crappy. I tried to fillet one fresh a while ago and it was like wet tissue paper. I have heard that you can wrap it in newspaper and keep in the fridge and fillet it the next day. Should be ok for a fish pie or patties ?
At least youre out there giving it a go and learning. I am no expert on albacore but have caught a fair few just trolling thru them with the lure in the prop wash.
Just got a new prop for my boat. Might have to go out for a burn and try for a few albies myself.
Normally I go south as theyre in closer.
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Yeah as long as I don't end up in the shit with weather or on the bar....
Down South sounds a bit safer but it's pretty accessible to get out of Hoki when it's flat, saves the 5hr drive to Jacksons
Have you tried any different pitched props on your outboard? can make a big difference in performance especially when loaded upQuote:
h I must have missed you. Yep it goes pretty well. Need a 15hp though
No, just the one it came with - probably just going to sell the 8hp at some stage and get a 15 for the sake of a bigger safety margin.
The glue on the Railblaza RIB ports is failing already, one is unusable as a rod holder because it's so loose. Not wildly impressed. Followed installation instructions to the letter. Probably get some screw on vertical holders for the transom.
67km is a big mission in a little boat!
I did wonder how well those rod holders would stay stuck.
I have a virtually brand new 8&1/2 x 8&1/2 prop here you can have a play with, yours will probably be 8&1/4 x 7&1/2.
Could be the go for one player fishing in your will be like changing up from 4th to 5th gear.
literally a 2min job to swap over.
pm your addy Ill send it down.
Never seen a red cod before
Thanks. No not fished the bay.
Might need to borrow ya boat if it doesn’t stop raining here though:(
Yeh I have casted little hard body jigs in the the mass and wind fast. Works for skippys, kahawai and trevally too.
Best way to catch them trolling we found is two shortish hand line just where the prop wash stops and have a section of bungy in line with just a feathery tuna lure. Bungy keeps them hooked and sets the hook. When it's going really good two guys can be hauling them in hand over fist.