Wanna come fishing?
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there's nothing wrong with a FVC295. Thats what I'm running in my boat. It's the transducers which make the difference. The transducers in my boat (there's two of them) are a 200 khz unit and a 32khz. they are not cheap, but I can pick up bluenose in 330 m of water clear as a bell.
Its the quality of the transducers and the accuracy of the installation which will give you the results.
Agree, I have always thought Furuno were at the top of the game when it comes to fish finders. I'm not sure what transducer has been installed but I'm hoping if the guy installed the FVC he wouldn't have skipped on the most important part.
To be fair, I don't even know how to read one...let alone find fish with them and I still to ok!
It is about time we had another wee trip.
Cant believe I pissed of everybody last trip.....who was there...@stinray @veitnamcam @Rocktoy no one has every talked to me since ...
This Saturday @screamO ..tuna out off the islands ..bring the family …batch booked
Use the batch boat , bring VC he knows where the blue water is
Well, I have to say I was thinking about boating.
Was thinking about going up Friday afternoon with my 2 boys (10 year olds) and partner? happy to move things around if it works for everyone? @veitnamcam @stingray
Turn on FCV295 while holding down menu Key.
When furuno logo appears take finger off menu button. Will open transducer installation menu.Take photo.
Change nothing!! turn off sounder to exit menu.
This will tell you what frequency the transducers are and also if furuno transducers the type number for example 200b-8b or 38BL-24HR
Im really really liking my Simrad NSS EVO3s 16.
Hi all, thought I should put an end to this. Thank you everyone for your input.
So I ended up going with the Simrad setup for a few reasons;
I was looking at the Furuno as I was told I could get the existing FCV 295 running through a new Furuno touch screen (still not sure if I could or not, mixed opinions), so I took it as a no.
Furuno costings and availability weren't great. I'm very impatient and don't like waiting.
I decided I was happy to keep the FCV 295 as a standalone sounder.
Smirad pricing was pretty good and I had it all within two days of order.
Also had Simrad on the old boat, so at least I knew how to turn it on.
So I ended up with a NSS EVO 16 chartplotter, Halo radar, Ap44 Autopilot and the expensive thing that makes the autopilot work.
I also added a 3 in 1 transducer (cheap about $500) so that I could still have a sounder on the chartplotter for marking waypoints, etc.
Attachment 220734
Attachment 220735
Attachment 220736
It took a bit of work just to remove some switching to make room for the screen, also had to move the steering.....actually we had to move everything.
Nice looking install, that is one of the hardest things to get right. I've done several, and retrofitting new gear into existing boats is not easy at the best of times and a royal pain in the arse at worst. Worst case is having to run a complete new supply and return cable through bits of boat that aren't accessible and include right angled cable runs...
One of the worst I did was a surveying vessel with the PC-based DGPS enabled scanning sonar system which was feeding a datalogger that then fed into a chart making program which consumed about a nuke power station worth of 230v power and contributed 1.5degC to global warming... Crazy stuff when it required an air con unit just to keep the computer working (stuff the humans).
That's a clean looking install though well done!