Wot 'Barry the hunter' said.
As it happens, I'm preparing for the winter season and I thought 'why not have a different set up for each rod?'
In the past I've had two spools for each reel, 1 floating line and 1 sinking line. A 5/6 rod, a 7 rod, a 9 rod and a 10 rod.
So 8 spools, 4 reels and 4 rods. I end spending more time, swapping rods and reels and flies on the shore, than fishing...
So this year it's going to be:
5/6 rod, floating line, with dry fly and nymph dropper, for small waters.
7 rod, floating line, for all other dry fly work, also with nymph dropper.
9 rod, sinking line, wet fly and heavy nymph, for most rivers.
10 rod, sinking line , wet fly and heavy nymph, for Tongariro.
this means I can keep these rods fully rigged, but as they're all two piece, broken down, to fit in the car but with the flies on the line still in the guides.
Arrive at fishing spot, choose rod, re-assemble, fish....