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Thread: Possible changes to snapper limits for Area SNA1

  1. #106
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    All over Rover looks like common sense prevails?
    Boom, cough,cough,cough

  2. #107
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maca49 View Post
    All over Rover looks like common sense prevails?
    No money will look after money as it always has until there is a revolution.

    Sent from my GT-S5360T using Tapatalk 2
    Hunt4life likes this.
    "Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.

    308Win One chambering to rule them all.

  3. #108
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    Dannevirke, southern Ruahines
    Quote Originally Posted by Maca49 View Post
    All over Rover looks like common sense prevails?
    It will be done as soon as they win the next election literally months after

  4. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neckshot View Post
    It will be done as soon as they win the next election literally months after
    It pisses me how logic and what is right disappears in situs like this . It obvious where the problem lies, go to the Greek Islands and see how many fish there are, NONE raped pillaged and gone, that's the future here all for the wrong reasons
    Boom, cough,cough,cough

  5. #110
    Codswallop Gibo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by veitnamcam View Post
    Im not fit enough to waste energy on circles.

    Back to topic...

    As i posted earlier and earlier before that.
    There is a reason its in nelson.

    I don't like it anymore than any of you do but money is influence.

    Sent from my GT-S5360T using Tapatalk 2
    Ok then for the dummies, why Nelson?

  6. #111
    Member Lentil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hunt4life View Post
    If any of you care about your own fishing rights, or even care about the rights of other average kiwis, please visit the LegaSea website and sign a submission to Minister Nathan Guy. It takes two minutes and maybe you could buy some clothing or donate a few bucks to these good bastards while you're there.
    All hunters shouldn't kid themselves that this commercial preference bullshit won't come to threaten our wild animals too some day. Stand up and be counted boys
    Yep - got a submission on the counter at work. Plenty of people signing up.
    LegaSea and Hunt4life like this.
    Everyone is entitled to their own stupid opinion

  7. #112
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
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    Cos that's sealord and talleys/amaltal home base. Sanford and sminovich also a strong hold .

    That's probably over 70 percent of all quota of all species right there. That's just a guess but if anyone would like to research it be my guest.

    Fishing is a very small part of talleys empire. He holds considerable political clout.

    Sent from my GT-S5360T using Tapatalk 2
    LegaSea likes this.
    "Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.

    308Win One chambering to rule them all.

  8. #113
    Codswallop Gibo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by veitnamcam View Post
    Cos that's sealord and talleys/amaltal home base. Sanford and sminovich also a strong hold .

    That's probably over 70 percent of all quota of all species right there. That's just a guess but if anyone would like to research it be my guest.

    Fishing is a very small part of talleys empire. He holds considerable political clout.

    Sent from my GT-S5360T using Tapatalk 2
    Thanks VC. I comprende now

  9. #114
    Member outinabout's Avatar
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    oh dear, better think this one through Nathan Guy ... 46,000 submissions sent through from recreational fisherman.Looks like people are not gonna take what your trying to push. Might be time for a re think on your three options, or lose some serious votes. Will be very interesting to see what happens next...
    Hey diddle diddle, aim for the middle.

  10. #115
    Member sneeze's Avatar
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    Well FWIW this thread is far better than I thought it would be. Some good points all round.
    Having grown up in the kenepuru Iv seen the fishing come and go. Pair trawling had the biggest effect by a long way and I think that highlighted the greed that has always existed in the fishing industry . But the damage done by some recos shouldn't be underestimated. The sounds would be full of boats over the spawning season and many would be setting nets and set lines as well as fishing all day. Some of the catches clearly showing greed and waste wasn't just the realm of the commercial.
    The snapper limit here is 3 and has been for a long time, the introduction supported by most locals. The local cod fishery is good example, while there is little doubt commercial fishing contributed the demise after it became uneconomic for them to fish it was the recreational fisher preventing the fishery from healing and while I don't totaly agree with the current slot limit it is working.
    On the comercial vs reco front I think its worth giving a thought to the guy whos job will go if the quota is cut just so you can take home a few more fish?
    I hope all the talk about changing votes is just sabre rattling though. Deciding who calls the shots on the direction of our country,education of our children and the health care of our parents etc based on being able to take home 9 fish instead of 3 seems pretty shallow .
    Savage1, R93, Maca49 and 1 others like this.
    Just a slopy retrobate

  11. #116
    Member hunter308's Avatar
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    you are right sneeze and I do care about the direction of our country, education and health care. I don't mind the snapper limit being reduced but what I do not like and object to is the fact that one of the options is cut our limit and increase the commercial quota and that I am not happy about it must work both ways if we have to take a cut in SNA1 then so should the commercial guys plus the idea of bottom trawling needs to be heavily reviewed as those things damage the seafloor rather badly and is a practise that has been banned in other countries. To increase size limit and it has been pointed out on another site would mean there would be a creation of fish wastage from high grading in the reco arena by having to put back injured/gut hooked fish that are undersized under the new size limit if that went ahead instead of a reduction in bag limits.
    Maca49 likes this.

    To be a Human is to be an Alien, ask the animals, We invade this world and we are killing it, we are destroying the earth and nobody gives a fuck except for the animals

  12. #117
    Member Hunt4life's Avatar
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    I'm a bit frustrated by the 'us vs them' mentality between the small time commercial fishers who own one boat, catching for local restaurant markets, and us recreational fishers.
    The real problems here is firstly, the big three driven by shareholder greed for $$ (including many politicians btw). And secondly, the ability for commercial operators to sell off quota, particularly to non-kiwi fishing vessels (not employing Kiwis), followed by the export of New Zealand's resource at international commodity pricing.
    Take the foreigners out of the equation and we don't have a problem here. If the small time commercial guys want to side with the large scale greedy ocean rapists, then game on! We should attack your entire industry and your jobs

  13. #118
    Member outinabout's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sneeze View Post
    Well FWIW this thread is far better than I thought it would be. Some good points all round.
    Having grown up in the kenepuru Iv seen the fishing come and go. Pair trawling had the biggest effect by a long way and I think that highlighted the greed that has always existed in the fishing industry . But the damage done by some recos shouldn't be underestimated. The sounds would be full of boats over the spawning season and many would be setting nets and set lines as well as fishing all day. Some of the catches clearly showing greed and waste wasn't just the realm of the commercial.
    The snapper limit here is 3 and has been for a long time, the introduction supported by most locals. The local cod fishery is good example, while there is little doubt commercial fishing contributed the demise after it became uneconomic for them to fish it was the recreational fisher preventing the fishery from healing and while I don't totaly agree with the current slot limit it is working.
    On the comercial vs reco front I think its worth giving a thought to the guy whos job will go if the quota is cut just so you can take home a few more fish?
    I hope all the talk about changing votes is just sabre rattling though. Deciding who calls the shots on the direction of our country,education of our children and the health care of our parents etc based on being able to take home 9 fish instead of 3 seems pretty shallow .
    geez you make it sound so trivial... I guess you would have to ask what was next? Fishing for commercial purposes only? You may not think that this is not worth fighting for but I sure as hell do.To me its someone trying to take away one of the awesome things about being a New Zealander. I do agree with you that some reco fisherman are blatant rapists of our seas, A fact that makes me rant for an hour after each episode of coast watch, I cant believe that people can be so short sighted. Its time that we get serious with these assholes and ensure they get more than community service and confiscation of gear. For me it has nothing at all to do with the number of snapper, I can't remember a time I decided to keep nine. I do think that if commercial T.A.C increases and reco's drops, that sets a real dangerous precedence.
    so yes, I do care about my children being able to enjoy this fishery just as much as I care about schooling and health care.
    Hunt4life likes this.
    Hey diddle diddle, aim for the middle.

  14. #119
    Member sneeze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by outinabout View Post
    geez you make it sound so trivial... I guess you would have to ask what was next? Fishing for commercial purposes only? You may not think that this is not worth fighting for but I sure as hell do.To me its someone trying to take away one of the awesome things about being a New Zealander. I do agree with you that some reco fisherman are blatant rapists of our seas, A fact that makes me rant for an hour after each episode of coast watch, I cant believe that people can be so short sighted. Its time that we get serious with these assholes and ensure they get more than community service and confiscation of gear. For me it has nothing at all to do with the number of snapper, I can't remember a time I decided to keep nine. I do think that if commercial T.A.C increases and reco's drops, that sets a real dangerous precedence.
    so yes, I do care about my children being able to enjoy this fishery just as much as I care about schooling and health care.
    Trivial wasn't what I was trying for, just giving another perspective having lived through a reduction in recreational quota some years ago. The arguments I see here are the same as those presented before in our area and all I can say is they don't seemed to have panned out. My kids can still go and catch snapper in the same place their great great great grandfather did any time they like . The high grading was a discussion point around the blue cod slot limit along with the other points rasied here but while it may be happening the over all result is a fishery that is improving very well. The snapper fishing seems to be showing steady improvement so while the system might not be perfect its a lot better than doing nothing.
    From a political point its nice to see kiwis stand up and make a noise but even though I like fishing how many fish I can take home wouldn't rate in the top 10 for voting issues. I also see this as a bit of a ploy really, give out the worst case for people to get wound up about then back it off to where it was intended in the first place, people will be relieved and the govt can say "hey we listened to the people"
    Hunt4life likes this.
    Just a slopy retrobate

  15. #120
    Member Hunt4life's Avatar
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    Sneeze, I'm really hoping MOST people aren't oblivious to the political tactics 'probably' in play here. If most of the 47,000 people who spoke up are smart, anything other than a reflective equal reduction of commercial quota and responsibility will be rejected and phase two of a public backlash will commence.



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