hi all i almost always use a handline to fish with due to a bad back the handline is easier,whats a good combo the every uses that wont break the budget though i may try a rod again thanks
hi all i almost always use a handline to fish with due to a bad back the handline is easier,whats a good combo the every uses that wont break the budget though i may try a rod again thanks
go into the warehouse and pick one that looks like it will fit the bill.....something about6- 8ft single piece will be easy to use and not so much of a pain to transport...and cheaper than a two piece .Ive used a few of thier package deals and although not top of the line they are perfectly usable and will last if looked after.
Personally I love my shamanio ugly stick black tigas, 8-15 kg , damn near indestructible match that with a shamanio 8000D ...cost 330-350 off marine deals , pretty sure big blue would be similar ...a really nice light tippy set up. Perfect for teries and cod ...not cheap but will last you years ..and years ...don't wind swivels into your rod tip , and wash down your reel ...these things will not die.
Go for a two piece! Just my thoughts . I do not know your budget ..but good gear is worth the $$ rather than average gear that lets go after a handful of trips. That said care of gear will see it last longer.
If your back is an issue the a black tiga is perfect you can lift in teryies and average cod and they will suffer through point loading ...(lifting fish in with your rod)
Just chucking ideas out there...not trying to sound like a gear nob ..just like gear that has being tourtured and survived ...by qmyself and crew that are beginners or just rough barstards
Last edited by stingray; 24-06-2020 at 09:03 PM.
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A few things to consider. As fine a fish as they are, terakihi aren't renowned string pullers, so you don't need heavy gear. They have soft mouths, so stiff rods may be counterproductive. That said, I think gear rating will largely depend on the size of sinkers you plan to use. Most of the time, you will be fishing straight down in to deep water for terakihi, so casting isn't required. In this situation, I find overhead reels more pleasant to use than spinning reels, but both will do the job. Lastly, if you plan on using braid as your mainline, it will mean that you can use a smaller reel, as braid has a smaller diameter than monofilament. There are some robust smaller reels on the market, which if matched with an appropriate rod are more fun to hold all day than heavy gear.
The charter special is the best low cost reel by far! Great line capacity, ok drag and as a bonus it is lever drag, not those pooh star drags.