That's a work of art.
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Swanny...that is beautiful...truely beautiful......when you get time,chuck up some more photos.
you will soon learn the J stroke for solo paddling......lovely boats on a calm lake as the sun goes down....
I cant say it well enough just how much I admire your skills to make that.
UK_exile...Im please I didnt give offence...and pleased you have seen the carnage at Benmore....we got there in our 13ft tinny and simply parked on beach along to right..caught a few nice rainbows on the worm while waited for all the others to sort thier shit and the lake had calmed down by then...
sometimes you just need to think outside square.
enjoy your bugger is just killing lawn at moment...
Agree they're a good starter ski boat, then comes a Magnum to get better tracking and boat not being pulled around so much, then comes a direct drive Malibu, Nautique or Mastercraft. But with each step the fishing declines ;-) Waterskiing is such an addictive sport, if you treat it as a sport and not just a fun thing to do occassionally. The feeling of 50kph to 90+ then back to 50kph in less than 3 seconds is amazing.
That pic of the slalom course is a cracker. Although I always found glass water a little 'skatey' when trying to drop line lengths. And it tends to 'burn' your feet a bit when footing.
Better if it just has a little ripple.
Water skiing is SUCH an incredible family experience, especially if you belong to a great club. Wairere was were I grew up skiing.
Oh, and nice boat :)
We had this build, took a couple of year & went in the water about 2007. We've done about 30,000 miles, done a few laps of the closer South Pacific Islands. Still love it, and wouldn't change much if we did it again tomorrow.
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A short clip of getting buzzed by Hectors Dolphins...
I have had a few health problems – prostate, hip and hernia - so two years since the Tristram has been in the water – I have been working through a few issues before getting a WOF next week
The mechanic told me at last WOF check, that one of the four hubs was a bit noisy – so I decided to change it – a braked disk, so not easy to get the wheel off – and back on. I knocked the bearing shells out of the noisy hub but could not whack the new shell back in the hub – I took it up to the garage and the mechanic had to use a press to get it back in. So wheel back on the trailer and decided to pump up the bearing buddies – the one on the failed bearing would not move. Cleaned it out and pumped air through it – but blocked solid. Probably been blocked for years so while I thought it was full of grease – it was empty. About $6 for a new grease nipple – and all good.
I changed the battery switches so I could operate the motor hydraulics and the top fell off the switch – checked all three switches and they all fell apart – 2003 boat so I guess plastic fails with old age. They put a lot off gear in the rear end of a 5.8m boat – two batteries, bilge pump, oil pump etc – so a bit of a mission to replace the battery switches – thank goodness they come as an assembled set. So, if your boat is getting older – maybe it’s a good time to push, pull and flick the heads of the switches.
Next thing was to start the motors – 150HP and 8HP Yamaha. The hand prime pump on the 150 was rock solid so I couldn’t get the fuel through to the filter glass on the motor – but electric start and the motor started fine. The hand pump on the 8HP worked fine and after a lot of hand pulls – I finally got the motor to start. A new hand primer for the 150 was about $30 and simple to fit.
I have removed the bulk of the old petrol from the underfloor tank using a suck it and see syphon through a small diameter plastic tube – and fortunately, didn’t get a mouthful of fuel. The lawnmower doesn’t seem to mind the old fuel, mixed and non-mixed.
So just about ready to go fishing again.
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This is what we been play with atmAttachment 238178