Started in about 84 with the Seacraft Costa Mesa, fibreglass clinker look alike, 74 Johnson 75 hp, rope and pulley steering, cavitation plate 3” below the keel line or it wouldn’t steer, you would lose steering if you got into some else wake, it followed the wake. Turn to tight and shed chime walk to about 45 degrees, I stripped the top and repainted and fitted new overlaid windows. Taught shits loads of people to ski with it, both my kids included. Taught me heaps! Attachment 181543
Then onto a real ski boat Special Edition a Steadecraft 166, professionally put together for the world ski championships on Lake Karapiro in the 80s I think. Pushed along by an Evinrude 175hp V6. Great for double and treble tows with skiers. Belonged to the peat lake club north of Hamilton. Would push out to over 60 mph! You had to be rich, or have a company fuel card to go for a weekend ski camp!
Attachment 181546
Then my first Fi Glass, running a 140 hp Johnson, nice boat for fishing and skiing, sold it for funds on a house. Sold it to a lady to give to her husband for his 40 th birthday, a real keen skier. He owned it for 6 mths and a wheel came off the trailer and took out the side of the boat! Ran me a gave me shit, I said you misted got a WOF by now, they didn’t check it very well. All fixed and back into skiing and yes, the wheel on the other side came off, causing the same damage again! Go figure!
Attachment 181549
Then a second FI Glass, a fireball, with a Johnson 140hp on a 14’-0”” boat. A true ski tug. No bad habits at all. This skied the Waikato from Cliffs landing most weekends amazing setup. Fished for trout on Rotoiti a night during the week. Came in one night on the Lake, it had cut up really badly, pitch black, probably 1 metre waves every 6 feet. Balls out, thud, thud, thud and Whomph straight through a flock of black swans, nearly shit myself. Got in ok, and my mates says, that was a bit rough, I replied, if it had been daylight, we wouldn’t have done it! My sons mate, whom I sold it to is currently doing a full restoration on it and a repower.
Attachment 181550
And the forever boat, bought in 2000, just repowered with an Evinrude 115, replacing a 1997 Johnson V4, called Liquid Therapy, it’s a Sea Nymph 566 Executive, does everyone I want in comfort. Will get some fishing out of Tauranga this summerAttachment 181551