You can or you used to be able to get different "gourmet" species of wood chips at mega 10 but I use Manuka mostly.
I got the shits with the meths trays and timing it right or catching the chips on fire, whip out the grill side of my bbq and use the burners on that now.
Cheap smokers like Mine and yours I am guessing James the bottom can "pop" as it buckles with the heat throwing wood chips all over your fish which is a piss off.
solution is a layer of tinfoil on top of the chips before the trays go in.
The lid needs to seal reasonably well to get a good smoking but if it seals too well it can condensate and drip the most foul bitter juice onto your fillets

which brings us to drying your fish
Fish wants to be fairly dry so the smoke will stick to it and to reduce the humidity in the smoker, not brineing Snapper seems ok but Kahawai needs salting or brineing to remove some moisture and firm them up IMO.....if in a hurry I cover fillets with sea salt layering up fillet salt fillet etc in a container and a couple of hours does the trick, rinse off and pat dry with the wifes favorite towel

or if have time make up a liquid brine, don't need as much salt and can add things like chillies finely chopped squeeze of lemon splash of vinegar etc and in the fridge overnight.
Stuff on top I usually just go brown sugar or sweet chilly sauce and maybe some powdered chilly or paprika cracked pepper.