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  • 10 Post By Mooseman
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  • 1 Post By Mooseman

Thread: Snapper Time

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Snapper Time

    It was an early start as the Mrs and I had to meet Beeman and a friend Dave at 5.20 am so we could be on the water by 6.30 am at the latest. We meet at Beemans place , loaded our gear and were under way.
    Once under way we headed West down towards Matata and set two long lines then marked them and headed out a bit deeper for an hour or so to let the long lines hook up.
    My Mrs pulled in a nice eater while we were waiting but all the rest had to go back as they weren't legal. After about an hour we pulled up the first line we set and had10 legal size snapper hooked up which was great. Onto the next line only to find we must have set it over a reef as we lost a few hooks while pulling it in , this time only 3 snapper, a Kawhai, and Blue cod.
    With a good haul of snapper in the bin we motored out past Whale Island to a reef system to look for a Terikehi or two.
    Best laid plans don't always good well and although there were plenty of fish showing on the sounder they were hard to catch. One good Terikehi, several more nice eating snapper, another good Blue Cod and a nice Poreye ( excuse the spelling)ended up in the bin so we were happy with the results.
    We were back in over the bar around midday to catch the high tide then it was back to Beemans to process the fish.
    Dinner tonight was a good feed of fresh Snapper and boy it tasted good. Thanks Beeman another great day out in the great outdoors that NZ has to offer.Name:  P1030060.JPG
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Size:  3.01 MB Setting long line Name:  P1030064.JPG
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Size:  3.05 MB Mrs with her line caught snapper Name:  P1030065.JPG
Views: 359
Size:  3.74 MB The days catch.
    Shootm, Tahr, veitnamcam and 7 others like this.

  2. #2
    Member Boaraxa's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Good haul there mooseman they look really good eating , been years since iv had a feed of snapper ,must get north to try & catch some !!
    The Green party putting the CON in conservation since 2017

  3. #3
    Member sometimes's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    busy as nomal awesome

  4. #4
    MB is online now
    Member MB's Avatar
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    Jan 2016
    Deerless North
    good stuff. the porae aren't bad eaters. i know a couple of people who prefer them to snapper.

  5. #5
    Gone but not forgotten Gapped axe's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Lake Tarawera
    That was me yesterday as well, plus a bin full of scallops. Great conditions on the water
    "ars longa, vita brevis"

  6. #6
    Member Danny's Avatar
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    Aug 2013
    Central NI
    Name:  IMG_0293.JPG
Views: 247
Size:  507.9 KB
    Nice mate
    Last night I got my limit within an hour. Gave four away to a good bugger who volunteered to hold the boat while I backed down right on dark.
    I’m out again now. Name:  IMG_0296.JPG
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    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    veitnamcam and Beaker like this.
    Dan M

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Yes guys it was a good day out and the sea was pretty good, nice to see others were out and about and doing well, nice one Gapped Axe getting a haul of scallops as well. I heard this morning that the English guy we took out went out for a quick evening hunt with Beeman's son after the fishing trip and they got a spiker to finish off an awesome day.
    BeeMan likes this.



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